AwoRewards » Administration » Configuration
Each tab within the configuration screen is listed below. Click each tab to view its configuration settings
Your shopping cart selection
Page to redirect to, if not logged in
A page customer will be redirected to if not logged in. Must start with index.php if used. If left blank, the customer is automatically redirected to the page he/she was on.
From Name
From name displayed on AwoRewards related emails to any type of customer.
From Email
From email address displayed on AwoRewards related emails to any type of customer.
Load JQuery in Frontend
If you already have JQuery being loaded in the front end, set this to no, otherwise set to yes.
Order Status Trigger
The order status used to trigger AwoReward points/coupons
Activate poorman's cron
It is highly recommened not to use this option and instead add the cron link displayed on the page to cron tab to run every so often. If you do use this option, it is probably a good idea to add
this to your robots.txt file to stop google from indexing the link:
Disallow: /*?*task=cronjs*
Disallow: /*?*task=cronjs*
Run poorman's cron every (minutes)
How often poorman's cron should run. By default will run every 30 minutes if not set.
Cron key
Automatically genereated security key, but can be changed if need be.
Invitation Page Description
Message which is displayed in the front end on the Invitation Form page.
Number of days to set cookie for Referral urls
For the personal referral registration urls, set the number of day the cookies should remain in the potential friend's computer before being deleted.
Shorten registration URL
This requires google to be enabled in "External API's" and an api key to be entered.
This will shorten the very long registration url per sponsor into an easy to remember url.
Max emails per invite
Limits the number of emails/referrals a customer can send at one time.
Max emails per day
Maximum number of emails a user can send a day.
Delay between invites
A time delay in seconds between the email invites.
Order required to send invitation
Does the customer have to have a completed order before they are allowed to refer friends?
Invitation Statistics/Points Notification - Enabled
Yes to enable the emails, and no to disable them.
Invitation Statistics/Points Notification - Email Subject
This is the subject in the email which will be sent to the customer.
Invitation Statistics Email Message
This is the message which will be sent to the customer after inviting friends by email.
Dynamic Tags
• {user_name} - the username of the customer
• {sent_mail_list} - list of email addresses that were successfully sent to
• {err_mail_list} - list of email addresses that were not successfully sent to
Points Notification Email Message
This is the message which will be sent to the customer after earning points.
Dynamic Tags
• {user_name} - the username of the customer
• {points_earned} - points earned in the last transaction
• {points_total} - total number of points so far
• {points_total_claimed} - total number of points that have been redeemed
• {points_total_unclaimed} - total number of points that have not been redeemed
Automatically pay out customers after their points have reached a certain level
Payment Type
Choose from one of 4 options described below.
Coupon - AwoCoupon
Coupon Template
Select a coupon template (created within AwoCoupon) which will be used to generate the coupon code when the automatic coupon payout is triggered.
Coupon Expiration (Days)
Set the expiration of the generated coupon code in days, leave blank if no expiration.
Block of points for exchange
Set the points that should be exchanged. For example, if you do not want anything but whole numbers to be exchange you would set this to 1.
Points to Amount Ratio
The amount to convert the collected points to. Example; entering 5 will mean every 5
points equal 1 of your default currency. Entering 0.5 means every point equals 2 of
your default currency. If set to 0 or blank a 1 to 1 ratio is used.
Minimum Payout Amount
Enter the minimum amount pending in the customer's account before a coupon code is generated and sent. If set to 0, this function is disabled.
AwoCoupon Profile
Select the profile you would like to use as the email template to send the generated coupon.
AwoCoupon Balance
Block of points for exchange
Set the points that should be exchanged. For example, if you do not want anything but whole numbers to be exchange you would set this to 1.
Points to Amount Ratio
The amount to convert the collected points to. Example; entering 5 will mean every 5
points equal 1 of your default currency. Entering 0.5 means every point equals 2 of
your default currency. If set to 0 or blank a 1 to 1 ratio is used.
Minimum Payout Amount
Enter the minimum amount pending in the customer's account before points are converted. If set to 0, then there is no limit.
Coupon - System
Coupon to Copy
Select a coupon created in your shopping cart coupon system that will be used as a template to generate the coupon code when the automatic coupon payout is triggered.
Coupon Expiration (Days)
Set the expiration of the generated coupon code in days, leave blank if no expiration.
Block of points for exchange
Set the points that should be exchanged. For example, if you do not want anything but whole numbers to be exchange you would set this to 1.
Points to Amount Ratio
The amount to convert the collected points to. Example; entering 5 will mean every 5
points equal 1 of your default currency. Entering 0.5 means every point equals 2 of
your default currency. If set to 0 or blank a 1 to 1 ratio is used.
Minimum Payout Amount
Enter the minimum amount pending in the customer's account before a coupon code is generated and sent. If set to 0, this function is disabled.
Email Subject
The subject of the email which will be sent to the customer.
Email Message
The message of the email.
Dynamic Tags
• {siteurl} - the site url
• {store_name} - the store name
• {coupon_code} - the coupon code generated
• {coupon_value} - the value of the coupon code generated
• {coupon_expiration} - the expiration of the coupon code if set
• {customer_username} - the customer username
• {customer_name} - the customer name
• {today_date} - the date
Block of points for exchange
Set the points that should be exchanged. For example, if you do not want anything but whole numbers to be exchange you would set this to 1.
Points to Amount Ratio
The amount to convert the collected points to. Example; entering 5 will mean every 5
points equal 1 of your default currency. Entering 0.5 means every point equals 2 of
your default currency. If set to 0 or blank a 1 to 1 ratio is used.
Minimum Payout Amount
Enter the minimum amount pending in the customer's account before points are converted. If set to 0, then there is no limit.
Allow customers to request a paypout of their collected points by a coupon
Payment Type
Choose from one of 2 options described below.
Coupon - AwoCoupon
Coupon Template
Select a coupon template (created within AwoCoupon) which will be used to generate the coupon code when the customer requests a coupon payout.
Coupon Expiration (Days)
Set the expiration of the generated coupon code in days, leave blank if no expiration.
Block of points for exchange
Set the points that should be exchanged. For example, if you do not want anything but whole numbers to be exchange you would set this to 1.
Points to Amount Ratio
The amount to convert the collected points to. Example; entering 5 will mean every 5
points equal 1 of your default currency. Entering 0.5 means every point equals 2 of
your default currency. If set to 0 or blank a 1 to 1 ratio is used.
Minimum Payout Amount
Enter the minimum amount pending in the customer's account before a coupon code payout option is shown. If set to 0, then there is no minimum.
AwoCoupon Profile
Select the profile you would like to use as the email template to send the generated coupon.
Coupon - System
Coupon to Copy
Select a coupon created in your shopping cart coupon system that will be used as a template to generate the coupon code when the coupon payout is triggered.
Coupon Expiration (Days)
Set the expiration of the generated coupon code in days, leave blank if no expiration.
Block of points for exchange
Set the points that should be exchanged. For example, if you do not want anything but whole numbers to be exchange you would set this to 1.
Points to Amount Ratio
The amount to convert the collected points to. Example; entering 5 will mean every 5
points equal 1 of your default currency. Entering 0.5 means every point equals 2 of
your default currency. If set to 0 or blank a 1 to 1 ratio is used.
Minimum Payout Amount
Enter the minimum amount pending in the customer's account before a coupon code payout option is shown. If set to 0, then there is no minimum.
Email Subject
The subject of the email which will be sent to the customer.
Email Message
The message of the email.
Dynamic Tags
• {siteurl} - the site url
• {store_name} - the store name
• {coupon_code} - the coupon code generated
• {coupon_value} - the value of the coupon code generated
• {coupon_expiration} - the expiration of the coupon code if set
• {customer_username} - the customer username
• {customer_name} - the customer name
• {today_date} - the date
Allow customers to request a payout of their collected points via paypal payment
Yes to enable, and no to disable. This only affects the front end. Administrators can still make payments with paypal even if this option is disabled.
Decide if you want to test this feature in sandbox or not.
Production/Sandbox Paypal Email
Enter your paypal production/sandbox email.
Production/Sandbox Username
Enter your paypal production/sandbox username.
Production/Sandbox Password
Enter your paypal production/sandbox password.
Production/Sandbox Signature
Enter your paypal production/sandbox signature.
Points to Amount Ratio
The amount to convert the collected points to. Example; entering 5 will mean every 5
points equal 1 of your default currency. Entering 0.5 means every point equals 2 of
your default currency. If set to 0 or blank a 1 to 1 ratio is used.
Minimum Payment Amount
Enter the minimum amount pending in the customer's account before a paypal option is shown. If set to 0, then there is no minimum amount.
Currency Code
Enter the currency in which payment will be made. This is a required field and should be the same currency as your default currency.
Fee Payer
Select the payer of paypal fees. If 'Each receiver', then the customer will pay the paypal fees. If 'Sender', then the store owner will pay the paypal fees.
IPN Notification URL
Can be left blank and your store homepage will be used.
This is text that will appear on your transaction within paypal. Can be left blank.
Warning to users, will appear in front end
This can be useful to display a message or warning. If, for example, you set the Fee payer to 'Each receiver', then it might be worth adding a warning in the front end that says something like 'Warning, you are responsible for any paypal fees charged'.
Yahoo - Enabled
Determine if you want Yahoo enabled. When enabled, a sponsor can pull their emails directly from Yahoo in order to send invitation letters.
Yahoo - Consumer Key
The consumer key generated by yahoo.
Yahoo - Consumer Secret
The consumer secret generated by yahoo.
Google - Enabled
Determine if you want Google enabled. When enabled, a sponsor can pull their emails directly from
Gmail in order to send invitation letters. Also can be used to shorten the registration url of a sponsor.
Google - Consumer Key
The consumer key generated by google.
Google - Consumer Secret
The consumer secret generated by google.
Google - API Key
The api key generated by google. Used to access the shorten url api.
Facebook - Enabled
Determine if you want Facebook enabled. When enabled, can be used in promotions for like my facebook fanpage,
post to facebook wall and also in the invitation form to post registration url to facebook wall.
Facebook - Consumer Key
The consumer key generated by facebook.
Facebook - Consumer Secret
The consumer secret generated by facebook.
Twitter - Enabled
Determine if you want Twitter enabled. When enabled, can be used in promotions for tweet about us,
follow me on twitter and also in the invitation form to tweet registration url.
Twitter - Consumer Key
The consumer key generated by twitter.
Twitter - Consumer Secret
The consumer secret generated by twitter.