AwoAffiliate » Coupons

The coupon screen lists the current coupons that are associated to an affiliate. It shows the configuration setup for the coupon as well as the number of orders and commissions, if there are any for that coupon. Within this screen, you can associate a user to a coupon (effectively making them an affiliate). Here are a list of the fields when adding a coupon to an affiliate.

Options: shows the active customers in your site

Coupon Code
Options: shows all the coupon codes that are not currently associated with an affiliate, excluding gift certificates

Commission Rate
Number: the commission rate the customer will receive for sales. If setup in the global configuration, it will be pre-filled with a rate, which can be altered.

Percent or Amount
Options: the rate can either be a percent or amount.

Commission Type
Order total no shipping: commission is calculated on the order total not including shipping
Order total: commission is calculated on the order total