I needed to add a gift voucher system to our site and had a lot of questions before I could decide on the best system for us. I emailed Seyi and his replies came immediately in a lot of detail. I was very impressed and also satisfied that his produ...morect did exactly what I needed.
After installation, I encountered a problem and emailed Seyi, and again he impressed with his excellent and quick response and support. He discovered some code errors in a different 3rd party app, and rectified it for me, and this was done at 1am. I have never experienced such excellent support from any developer, and I can recommend his products and services to anyone who is serious about having a professional site.
Thank you Seyi!,
Eway Payment Plugin Virtuemart

Compatible Shopping Carts

Versions: 2.x to 3.x

Rapid 3.0 Payment Method
Rapid 3.0 is a payment product that allows merchants to post credit card data from their customer's
browser directly to eWAY without it passing through the merchant's server. This reduces the merchant's
scope for PCI DSS compliance and enhances security while giving the website maximum control over the
look and feel of their payment processing.
- Rapid 3.0 payment form built directly into your website
- Rapid 3.0 payment form can be customized using Joomla template override
- On successful payment, order is automatically updated within the Virtuemart system
- Ability to set your account to live or test mode
Site Review
J Lennox