AwoCoupon » Release Notes
  • Fix: Virtuemart 4.2.12 and up issue with auto adding product to cart with buy x get y coupons
  • Fix: tinymce / jce editor issues in Joomla 4
  • Fix: Eshop issue with coupon usage
  • Fix: issues with upgrading from 3.x
  • Fix: revamp storing of coupon history when coupon processing is not "order creation"
  • Fix: revamp storing of coupon history when coupon processing is not "order creation"
  • Fix: Virtuemart tax bill issue
  • Fix: issue with Virtuemart 4.2.6, where html is stored in the vm order table for the coupon code field
  • Fix: automatic coupon ordering on edit screen
  • Fix: Date in history of gift certificate report
  • Fix: Virtuemart tax bill issue
  • New: option to disable usergroup coupon from showing in the front end
  • Fix: usergroup coupon display in front end issue
  • New: option to disable usergroup coupon from showing in the front end
  • Fix: usergroup coupon display in front end issue
  • Fix: Virtuemart 4.x issue with coupon where the total ends up being 0.
  • Fix: Virtuemart 4.x issue with automatic coupons that add products automatically to cart
  • Fix: Hikashop 4.7.x issue with multiple coupons and display of the coupon box at checkout
  • Fix: issue with CSVI
  • Fix: issue with CSVI
  • Fix: Virtuemart issue with payment method
  • New: update to logic to allow using buy x get y coupons with auto add to/ remove from cart with combination coupon when process type of "First found match" is used
  • New: added active codes column in gift certificate product list admin
  • New: option to display gift certificate purchase currency if not default, still stores value as default currency
  • Fix: issue with deepcopy in php 8
  • New: update to logic to allow using buy x get y coupons with auto add to/ remove from cart with combination coupon when process type of "First found match" is used
  • New: added active codes column in gift certificate product list admin
  • New: option to display gift certificate purchase currency if not default, still stores value as default currency
  • Fix: issue with toggle dropdowns
  • New: update to allow Rokpad editor to work with AwoCoupon
  • Fix: Hikashop error when cart is empty and "Automatically add balance to cart" is enabled
  • Fix: Virtuemart update for 4.0.10 and up
  • Fix: automatic coupon when product is automatically added to cart not updating the cart immediately with discount
  • Fix: Hikashop error when cart is empty and "Automatically add balance to cart" is enabled
  • New: added support for RokPad editor
  • Fix: issue with php 8 and editor, causing strpos(): Argument #1 ($haystack) must be of type string
  • Fix: updated Russian language translations
  • Fix: issue when using an automatic coupon that automatically adds a product to the cart and using a normal coupon that removes it
  • Fix: issue when using an automatic coupon that automatically adds a product to the cart and using a normal coupon that removes it
  • Fix: updated to work with Php 8
  • New: updated to work with Virtuemart 4
  • New: updated to work with Virtuemart 4
  • Fix: updated to restrict installations to Joomla 4 and above
  • New: Release to support Joomla 4 (Requires Joomla version 4 and up)
  • New: update for EShop which removes the requirement for cron when selling gift certificates
  • Fix: updated Russian language translations
  • Fix: an issue with multilingual email templates not loading the correct language
  • Fix: virtuemart vp one page checkout issues with auto adding/deleting products from cart
  • Fix: issue with using buyx get y auto add/delete products in combination coupont
  • New: Added function to Buy X Get Y coupons: "BuyX or GetY Lowest Value" and "BuyX or GetY Highest Value"
  • Fix: Virtuemart issue with 'automatically add balance to cart' not working and cauxing issues with updating/deleting items in cart
  • New: ghost_voucher tag
  • New: created an option for when multiple coupon is disabled to allow adding 1 automatic coupon along side 1 user entered coupon
  • Fix: Virtuemart issue with gift certificate product children not recognizing "AwoCoupon Free Gift Certificates" shipping option
  • Fix: Virtuemart vponepage checkout not selecting correct payment method when order total is 0
  • Fix: Hikashop update to disable coupon box in front end if multiple coupons are not enabled
  • New: updated frontend coupon list to include a redeem button
  • New: updated look when adding/editing a coupon for value definition
  • Fix: issue with automatic coupons when at least one coupon is an exclusive coupon
  • Fix: issue with giftcert product processing when order status to and order status after are the same
  • Fix: issue with new/edit coupons page and dropdowns in Safari
  • Fix: issue with shipping coupon when setting discount type to 'Specific'
  • Fix: updated Russian language
  • Fix: Virtuemart issue with order total when using a coupon and cart has a payment method fee
  • Fix: Virtuemart issue with custom fields not working when the field is hidden
  • Fix: Hikashop issue with deleting store balance from cart
  • Fix: Hikashop issue with discount before tax on shipping coupons
  • New: added new tax calculation when processing coupons: Discount before tax (voucher includes tax)
  • New: minimum order weight restriction in coupon
  • New: tcpdf update from 6.0.023 to 6.3.2
  • New: added awocouponBeforeCronReminder trigger
  • New: added ability to set cancellation order status for gift certificate purchases which will unpublished purchased gift certificates
  • New: added ability to subtract from customer balance in user customer balance section
  • Fix: virtuemart adding invoice in backend to vminvoice3 issue
  • New: allow user specific gift certificate to be added to customer balance for the specific user
  • New: Virtuemart, for option 'Order status to set after sending automatic email', if all products are not gift certificates, then only update the status of the individual gift certificate product(s)
  • Fix: Hikashop fix for coupons where shipping cost is added twice
  • Fix: Virtuemart fix for coupons based on quantity which work initially and removed when quantity restrictions are not met, but cannot be added back to cart again with correct quantity
  • New: added Allowed cart scenarios in AwoCouopn > configuration > Multiple Coupons section
  • New: added ability to set the default characters used when automatically generating a coupon code
  • New: added more options to coupon generation screen: min length, max length, salt options
  • New: added new gift certificate images
  • New: features to email template image builder => updated free text from 3 to 20, added ability to add up to 20 images to image
  • New: reworked editing of customer balance in backend to be more user friendly
  • New: added created/updated timestamps to coupons for admin tracking
  • New: updated ui to add a 'Cancel' button to editing screens
  • Fix: on automatic discount screen, search only displays coupons with exact match
  • Fix: minimum order total > specific for checkboxes exclude discounted/special/giftcert
  • Fix: import issue with assets
  • Fix: Virtuemart issue with custom fields not working properly when including/excluding them
  • New: added feature to gift certificates to allow restrictions by customer and/or shopper groups
  • Fix: remove debug data when adding to coupon history through customer balance
  • Fix: issue with Automatically delete from cart 'Get Y' product" feature where it does not work well with 0 value discount
  • New: update buy x get y functionality so that the 'buy x' product(s) can optionally be discounted also
  • New: update History of uses > coupons > Add new to better accomodate for a customer's AwoCoupon balance
  • Fix: if set to case insensitive, make sure only one coupon code of same name is proccessed regardless of case
  • Fix: automatically add balance to cart feature not working if you empty cart and add items back to it
  • Fix: updated buyxy's "Automatically delete from cart 'Get Y' product" logic to take into account multiple discounts
  • Fix: exclude coupons not working, reverts fix for mixing product assets not working properly
  • New: updated automatically add get y product to cart to take into account products out of stock
  • Fix: coupon not working when mixing product assets
  • Fix: issue with adding product to coupon when using the grid, third icon
  • New: added 'Fixed product price' option when creating a coupon
  • New: update addcoupontocart function so it keeps trying to add coupon until it is successful, instead of just trying once in the whole session
  • New: configuration option to delete details column in table awocoupon_history after x days
  • New: Virtuemart - added the ability to setup coupon discount based on a product's custom field
  • Fix: Eshop issue with Gift certificate purchase price calculation type
  • Fix: Virtuemart issue with taxbill and discount after tax when taxing shipping
  • Fix: updated Russian language
  • New: product minimum price restriction
  • Fix: datetime issues for mysql strict mode
  • Fix: issues with the import function
  • Fix: Virtuemart 3.6.8 issue with 100% discount not showing the correct payment method
  • Fix: updated German language
  • New: ability to change order status after sending purchased gift certificates
  • New: ability to generate coupons with prefix/suffix in generate coupon screen
  • Fix: rounding issues in coupon calculations
  • Fix: language issues State/Status
  • New: added coupon specific error message by using the tag {custom_error:...} in admin note field
  • New: added 'exclude all' option for shipping selection in coupon and awocoupon > configuration > balance
  • Fix: AwoCoupon is sometimes initialized by other extensions during installation causing problems with database update, this fixes it
  • New: added option "Maximum Discount Amount" to gift certificates and combination coupons, which allows capping the discount
  • New: detached coupons from coupon history so coupons can be safely deleted and still show in coupon history
  • Fix: expiration strings in gift certificate not working correctly for some, such as 12 months
  • Fix: Virtuemart Tax bill calculation for calculate coupon before tax
  • New: added option to delete 'Get Y' product automatically added to cart from Buy X Get Y coupons
  • New: added option to automatically add balance of logged in user to cart
  • Fix: issue with AwoCoupon balance working on excluded categories/shippings
  • New: Gift certificate purchaser as manager function, where purchaser of a gift certificate can always see the balance of gift certificate even when used by another and email notification on use
  • New: ability to insert awocoupon balance into couopn history, to mark as used
  • Fix: virtuemart issue with coupons being set into coupon history when 'Order state to trigger coupon processing' is not 'Order created'
  • Fix: HikaMarket issue with vendor total being changed on order status change when using coupon code
  • Fix: issue with gift certificate vendor email
  • New: update reminder function to include purchased gift certificates and email tied to it
  • Fix: Hikashop issue when using HikaMarket multi vendor and purchasable gift certificates, multiple gift certificate orders are created for 1 order
  • New: added a Display text field when adding/editing a coupon, making tag customer_display_text obsolete
  • New: Hikashop option to set order status(s) when coupon is processed
  • Fix: for Buy X Get Y > Each Quantity, updated so 'Amount per item' works correctly
  • Fix: Hikashop tax issue when using multiple taxes in one session
  • Fix: error with automatic discount add/edit screen
  • New: added the ability to disable sending of purchased gift certificate email
  • Fix: ordering for automatic discount coupons
  • Fix: Hikashop payment method selection issue
  • Fix: issue with upgrading to 3.x and giftcert images not being copied over
  • Fix: updated Buy X Get Y to take all products into account when determining process type of lowest/highest
  • Fix: disabled customer balance cache
  • Fix: update to make AwoCoupon more portable
  • Fix: updated Russian language
  • New: added ability to search for coupons by user name
  • Fix: vponepagecheckout showing successful message even when coupon is not applied
  • Fix: issue with currency conversion when calculating minimum value
  • New: updated admin menu links
  • Fix: Hikashop issue on some servers where store coupon does not work when using enable store coupon option
  • New: added customer/user group restrictions to combination coupons
  • New: added Joomla update server feature
  • Fix: installer issues
  • Fix: Hikashop issue with cloning pricing object causing product price changes
  • New: updated logic so children categories are taken into account when processing coupon
  • Fix: issue with upgrade from AwoCoupon starter
  • Fix: Hikashop issue where coupon discount is not taken into account when checking shipping min/max price restrictions
  • Fix: Codemirror update for Joomla 3.8.10
  • Fix: issue with send a voucher function, where it sends email to admin if email is not registered user
  • Fix: issue when adding gift certificate to customer balance and you have start date/expiration set
  • Fix: Joomla Codemirror editor problem
  • Fix: updated Email template to allow plugins to insert data into the image
  • Fix: for buy x get y, minimum value only allows 'overall'
  • Fix: Hikashop issues with coupon processing
  • Fix: Virtuemart issue with multiple currency where value is incorrect when using a coupon with non default currency
  • Fix: installer
  • Fix: issue with Virtuemart when tax per bill or price modifier before tax per bill is negative
  • Fix: Hikashop discount after adding function set_submittedcoupon
  • Fix: issue with Virtuemart discount before tax when using tax per bill calculation rule
  • New: allow normal coupon to override automatic coupon if not using multiple coupons
  • Fix: caching issue
  • Fix: case sensitive issue when entering coupon code to find in dropdown
  • Fix: issue with Virtuemart where entering a coupon after an automatic coupon is processed requires a page refresh to see toe correct discount
  • Fix: issue with Hikashop where injection files show in cases where they do not need to
  • Fix: issue with EShop installer not installing EShop - AwoCoupon plugin
  • Fix: issue with activating license
  • Fix: in Virtuemart fix detail display of Vat Tax per product if multiple Vat taxes in the cart
  • Fix: issue brand new installs
  • Fix: issue with installation of languages
  • MAJOR Release of AwoCoupon
  • IMPORTANT: if using AwoRewards, AwoAffiliate, or AcyMailing Plugin, they require updating
  • New: revamp of importing function, can now edit on import
  • New: in Hikashop added support to include/exclude product variants
  • New: added support for Virtuemart DBTaxBill percentage
  • Fix: issue with VP One page checkout
  • Fix: Virtuemart issue with buy x get y when adding get y to cart automatically
  • Fix: Hikashop 3.0 issue where taxes are not taken into account in some variant configurations
  • Fix: updated to work better with vponepage checkout
  • Fix: bad looping in logic when quantiy of items in cart are in the thousands
  • Fix: Error within AwoCoupon cron, awilibrary
  • Fix: Hikashop 3.2.0 rounding issue
  • Fix: ui issues with start/expiration date fields
  • Fix: Virtuemart fix for cartProductsData in PHP 7

  • New: added country to customer balance report
  • Fix: Rupostel one page issue with AwoCoupon html content
  • Fix: Virtuemart 3.2.4 issues with products in the cart
  • Fix: Hikashop issue where in some cases AwoCoupon was not correctly getting the shipping method details
  • Fix: issue with Virtuemart one page checkout which causes infinite loop
  • Fix: syntax error with cron

  • New: added Customer Balance report
  • New: update how exclude works when a country state is picked, it checks to make sure country(s) are included and then checks to make sure states are excluded
  • New: updated coupon generation for parent coupons so that on copy, gift certificates within a parent coupon are copied instead of attaching the old gift certificate from the coupon being copied
  • Fix: issues with date display
  • Fix: issue where using cron key url does not work if you disable poor man's cron
  • Fix: issue with vp onepage checkout
  • Fix: issue with tags when adding or editing a coupon

  • New: added configuration to globally exclude shipping/product category from being deducted when using AwoCoupon balance
  • New: added new image configuration in profiles
  • New: added new column to coupon list, History of Uses
  • New: updated column Number of uses in coupon list to be sortable
  • Fix: issue with gift certificate and shippign coupons where shipping could be double discounted
  • Fix: issue with pagination in Coupon usage vs Location report
  • Fix: Hikashop issue which causes fatal error: __clone method called on non-object

  • New: added Function type Buy X Get Y Version 2, which allows discounts based on each quantity of items in both Buy X and Get Y
  • New: added a new option "Maximum Discount Amount" that allows capping the discount of a coupon
  • New: updated backend 'Add Gift Certificate to Balanace' function to allow entering the value of gift certificate instead of just a code
  • Fix: added updates to support new version, Redshop 2
  • Fix: Hikashop 3 issue where using Group by product in configuration causes prices in cart to be wrong

  • Fix: updated to work with Hikashop 3.x
  • Fix: Hikashop issue with Buy X Get Y, where type of 'Product' is selected and the products have variants

  • Fix: gift certificates for specific products should not work on shipping unless specific shipping is selected
  • Fix: Hikashop issue where variant products did not inherit the category and manufacturer of their parent products
  • Fix: Hikashop issue where going to the wishlist page added every product in the wishlist to the shopping cart
  • Fix: Virtuemart issue with automatic buy x get y coupons that automatically add to cart, where it takes the virtual product into account when it should not

  • New: added an easy way to add/delete images used in profile email templates
  • New: added the ability to delete orders in History of Uses -> Orders screen
  • Fix: Virtuemart issue in purchased gift certificate email custom field, where it was not sent to the email the customer entered in some cases

  • New: updated color dropdown to a color wheel when editing images in email template profile
  • New: added ability to view customer gift certificate balanace in backend

  • New: added "Amount per item" coupon feature
  • Fix: issue with expiration configuration in image not being taken into account
  • Fix: Hikashop issue where currency is displayed in default currency when using the geolocation plugin
  • Fix: Hikashop issue with donation plugin and gift certificates where price calculation type is set to base price

  • New: payment method criteria added
  • New: coupon link that automatically adds coupon to cart after products have been added using format ?addcoupontocart=[coupon_code]
  • Fix: language issue when language switcher is set to browser and browser language is not set to store default
  • Fix: Virtuemart issue when using injection mode and taxbill and the coupon value is added instead of subtracted
  • Fix: Eshop issue where accepted automatic coupon would display error if it no longer qualified
  • Fix: compatibility issue with Joomla 3.6.0 where editor is not displayed

  • New: updated gift certificate order status to allow for selection of multiple order statuses to receive auto email
  • Fix: optimized history table to be quicker when there is a lot of records

  • New: Add gift certificate to customer balance from backend
  • New: Added UPC to coupon property
  • New: Added "From name" to custom attributes for selleable gift certificates
  • New: Added tags report
  • Fix: updated Hikashop AwoCoupon to return the discount rounded to the currency round value
  • Fix: issue with Buy X Get Y validation

  • New: updated language so there is an easy to select dropdown for multi language shop instead of depending on the administrator language selected
  • New: updated form validation to be more user friendly
  • Fix: issue with Hikashop and automatic coupons which get stuck in an infinite loop
  • Fix: issue with Redshop which causes fatal error if you have enable store coupons set to yes
  • Fix: issue with Virtuemart 1.1.x where shipping can be discounted multiple times under the right circumstances

  • New: Send a Voucher feature - manually email a coupon image to a customer or specific email address in admin interface
  • Fix: update gift certificate logic to send new email per email/recipient_name/recipient_message, and not just per email
  • Fix: issue with Hikashop where taxes are not calculated correctly when using a coupon with taxcloud

  • New: in profile image, can set the maximum length of free text before text wraps to the next line
  • New: added the ability to disable version checker on the admin dashboard
  • Fix: Eshop gift certificate do not email out to the recipient email address only the purchaser email
  • Fix: Virtuemart problem where adding a coupon should change the payment method but it does not

  • New: allow prefix and suffix in coupon code generated after purchase of a gift certificate
  • New: added configuration for negative valued coupon
  • Fix: expiration dates in gift certificate profile email are now displayed in the customer language
  • Fix: Virtuemart problem where multiple coupons are not enabled and customer enters valid coupon, then enters invalid coupon, the valid coupon text still shows until one more page refresh

  • New: Added the ability to configure the name of the image attachment(s) in profiles
  • New: Added the ability to configure the name of the pdf attachment in profiles
  • Fix: updated to work with Virtuemart 3.0.10
  • Fix: Hikashop issue where coupon does not work if selection of currency is not the main currency and product(s) in cart were setup with a currency other than the main

  • Fix: ui issue with Joomla 3.4.4
  • Fix: Virtuemart 3.0.9.x shipping coupons not working properly

  • Fix: Buy X Get Y automatic add to cart, check to make sure the product being added is valid (not on exlude list or in include list)
  • Fix: Virtuemart and up where adding a non existing coupon to cart still shows the message discount added successfully
  • Fix: Hikashop shipping problem, where shipping method selected has more than one shipping option, for example, UPS, Fedex, etc.
  • Fix: Eshop coupon removed from cart if going through checkout process and click back to cart

  • New: added support in AwoCoupon for Eshop
  • New: updated customer coupon list in front end to include coupons created for customer shopper groups
  • New: updated to work with Hikashop multiple shipping selections, for example, where there are 2 different products in the cart from different warehouses, using 2 different shipping methods
  • New: added tag {product_qty_name} to gift certificate email, which displays in the format: [quantity1] [product_name1], [quantity2] [product_name2], .. etc
  • Fix: Problem with {exclusive} tag working on automatic coupons
  • Fix: Virtuemart 2.0.18 issue where the price of the first item in the cart is changed to the price of the second item in the cart due to using the VirtueMartModelProduct::getProduct function while processing a coupon
  • Fix: issue with ordering automatic discounts in the latest versions of Joomla
  • Fix: problem where disabling multiple coupons would not allow automatic coupons and customer added coupon to work together
  • Fix: Hikashop, issue where more products are added to the cart in Buy X Get Y automatic add to cart, when the buy x get y coupon is within a parent coupon, with a shipping coupon and 'all that apply' process type is used
  • Fix: Buy x get y coupon does not work if get y product type is 'exclude' and buy x product is a valid as a get y product

  • New: split out the option 'Exclude Products on Special' to 'Exclude Products on Special' and 'Exclude Discounted Products'
  • New: added 'Specific no tax' to 'Minimum Value' when creating a coupon, allowing the minimum value check to be with or without tax
  • New: added configuration option where only one discount per product is allowed when using multiple coupons
  • New: added configuration option to reorder gift certificates last when using multiple coupons
  • Fix: Virtuemart issue where tax per bill discounts did not display without the tax
  • Fix: Virtuemart 3.x problem where admin email is used instead of customer email when manually moving the order in the backend to the status set in AwoCoupon configuration "Order state to trigger coupon processing"

  • New: gift certificate products now work on children products, so setup one gift certificate product to cover a full dropdown list of children products
  • New: in value definition, added type 'step' discount, see documentation for more info:
  • New: added ability to reset all AwoCoupon tables (use with caution)
  • New: added value definition descriptions
  • Fix: Illegal mix of collation issues
  • Fix: Virtuemart 3.x problem with Buy X Get Y coupons where "Automatically add to cart 'Get Y' product" is checked

  • New: added the ability to cc the purchaser of a gift certificate if it is being emailed to a friend
  • New: added search function for history of purchased gift certificates in AwoCoupon -> History -> Orders screen
  • New: added the ability to use tags in gift certificate email subject
  • Fix: caching of cart object in Virtuemart causes automatically adding product in buy x get y not to work properly
  • Fix: caching issue in one page checkout
  • Fix: error in Virtuemart which caused gift certificate name/email/message not to work

  • New: added ability to add a coupon code to an external site using a service (for real advanced users)
  • Fix: an error that occurs if the AwoCoupon gift certifcate shipment is your only shipping method and you delete all products from the cart
  • Fix: an internal server error problem with Virtuemart 2 if a product is tagged as a gift certificate and it has custom fields other than predefined for gift certificates by AwoCoupon
  • Fix: issue with Virtuemart 3.x where it is not possible to use a customer balance in the cart
  • Fix: updated Tax per bill logic for Virtuemart
  • Fix: issue with Joomla 1.5 installation

  • Added reminder feature for expiring coupons where customer is selected
  • Added the option for allowing zero value coupons in cart
  • Updated adding of history of coupon which now does a balance check for gift certificates
  • Fixed an incompatibility issue between AwoCoupon and Virtuemart Bonus that causes the error: JPath::check Snooping out of bounds @ JPATH_COMPONENT/views
  • Fixed value definition problem where no discount was given if a maximum stop quantity was not set
  • Fixed Hikashop problem where coupon discount is not taken into account when using a shipping method based on order total
  • Fixed Virtuemart problem, where tax per bill is not correctly calculated in an automatic discount coupon
  • In Hikashop, fixed cart display where the product total shows the (product total - discount) instead of just the product total for automatic discounts
  • In Virtuemart, updated custom attributes for gift certificate to work with the new format
  • Fixed fatal error which affect Virtuemart checkout
  • Fixed fatal error that affects live update of AwoCoupon from component

  • Added Gift Certificate Balance feature
  • Revamped coupon processing logic to account for situations it previously did not, such as multiple 100% coupons in one cart session
  • Decoupled languages from base install

  • Added ability to force coupon to be used alone even with multiple coupons enabled, by adding the tag {exclusive} when creating a coupon
  • Updated to work with Joomla 3 and Virtuemart 2.9.x +
  • In Hikashop, fixed cart display where the product total shows the (product total - discount) instead of just the product total
  • In Hikashop, fixed a clash between AwoCoupon and Hikashop discounts which would cause automatic buy x get y coupons with 'automatically add to cart' option to add more products to the cart

  • Added Exclude Special checkbox to Buy X Get Y coupons
  • Fixed Virtuemart 2.0.20 and lower issue where a fatal error with _triesValidateCoupon is triggered
  • Fixed an issue with shipping coupons where discount type is set to specific and assets are chosen to include
  • Fixed Virtuemart issue where you have "Order state to trigger coupon processing" set to anything but "Order creation", and the order never reaches the processing stage, the coupon code in the order detail backend is not displayed properly

  • Added the ability to add pdf into the profile (selleable gift certificate) emails
  • Added the ability to enter multiple coupons at once in the front end by separating each code by a semi-colon (;)
  • In Virtuemart added the ability that allows coupons to be removed from the shopping cart
  • Fixed Virtuemart error where in some cases the history is not recorded for Paypal like payment processors
  • Fixed an error where entering multiple gift certificates will keep discounting the shipping without taking into account what a previous gift certificate has done
  • Fixed Virtuemart 2.6.6 error where cart total shows 0 if using automatic coupon and "Minimum purchase order value for your shop" is greater than 0

  • Added ability to restrict coupon by Country and/or State
  • Restructured 'Add new' coupon interface
  • Fixed Virtuemart error where cart is not completed if order total is 0 and there is a shipping coupon used
  • Fixed an error with the order automatic coupons are processed if multiple coupons is not enabled
  • Fixed Hikashop 2.3 problem with currencyclass processShippings function

  • Added the feature to move purchased voucher balance view to the first account that uses the voucher
  • Updated to fully support Virtuemart 1
  • Fixed installation problem for Virtuemart
  • Fixed error where number of uses per customer does not work on Parent coupons with process types first found match, lowest value coupon, and highest value coupon

  • Added the ability to upload custom coupon codes on the "Generate Coupons" screen
  • Updated value defintion so a minumum limit can be set, so for example it is possible to create a coupon which gives 20% discount after the first item
  • Updated shipping coupons to allow selecting assests product, category, manufacturer, vendor, instead of just products
  • Updated Hikashop shopper group to use Joomla user group when creating a coupon, instead of nothing
  • Fixed cart_item totaldiscount, totaldiscount_notax for parent coupon "ONLY if all apply" process
  • Fixed Virtuemart problem where calculated coupon tax was not being applied to the overall tax with calculation rule Tax per product
  • Fixed Redshop (133) so redshop coupons fully go through checkout without being removed

  • Added tags for organizing coupons
  • Updated error messages to support multiple languages
  • Updated Virtuemart to check the product's parent manufacturer when using manufacturer coupons and stockable variants
  • Updated coupon generation to generate new coupon for gift certificates within a parent coupon
  • Updated Virtuemart coupon logic for Tax per bill
  • Fixed the ordering of coupons within Parent coupons in the popups

  • Added Minimum Product Quantity
  • Updated Number of uses to allow both number of uses total and per customer, instead of one or the other
  • Fixed error in reports where pagination was not working properly
  • Fixed error with plugin for Virtuemart and coupon history being recorded for some payment methods
  • Fixed database issue with coupon history for new installs

  • Updated History of Uses to allow searching by order number, order date, and email
  • Updated the logic of Buy X Get Y Amount discounts, which previously only discounted once but now discounts as many times as the customer qualifies for the discount
  • Updated Virtuemart AwoCoupon Payment Plugin which now process free orders
  • Updated Virtuemart configuration to allow processing of coupon on specific order status(es) instead of order creation
  • Updated Russian language translations
  • Updated Spanish language translations
  • Fixed Virtuemart gift certificate problem with Stockable variant, where gift certificate is not recognized if it is a child within a stockable variant
  • Fixed cache for automatic discounts
  • Fixed issue wth multiple automatic discounts where the limit is set and some discounts show up as normal coupons instead of being removed
  • Fixed problem where {vouchers} tag would save when changed but default back to the original when viewed for edit
  • Fixed {siteurl} variable in gift certificate profile to first check for live_site variable
  • Fixed Virtuemart 2.0.26 problem where the coupon in use concept is introduced

  • Added the ability for administrator to specify the number of automatic discount codes that are processed in a shopping cart. If upgrading, SERIOUSLY SUGGEST you review AwoCoupon->Configuration to verify your settings correct.
  • Added the ability to specify the {vouchers} tag syntax when creating a profile
  • Revamped the updating mechanism to alleviate upgrading errors experieneced from some old versions
  • Fixed Virtuemart error where undeveloped edit_coupon page is shown in certain circumstances with with "Enable Store Coupon" set to yes

  • Added new menu system
  • Added storing of full coupon details in database
  • Added backend permissions control for Joomla 3.x (config.xml)
  • In Hikashop, added partial support for HikaMarket
  • Fixed Virtuemart display of message "Discount Coupon successfully added" when trying to add a code that does not exist if you have "Enable Store Coupon" set to yes
  • Fixed issue in front end where gift certificate balance was not updating
  • Fixed issue in front end where the value of the coupon is not specified as currency or percentage
  • Fixed issue where coupon code may be cached and customer can use a restricted number of uses code more than the allowed times
  • Fixed updating issue with Joomla 3.x

  • Added support for Virtuemart 1.1.x, 1.2.x
  • Updated to work with Redshop 1.3.x
  • For Virtuemart updated coupon discount to work with stockable variants
  • Fixed Hikashop 2.2.0 problem where shipping coupons do not work
  • Fixed Hikashop 2.2.0 problem where tax is displayed incorrectly if coupon is set to discount after tax
  • Fixed error in IE10 where coupon new/edit screen was not properly displayed
  • Fixed Virtuemart error where shipping price is not updated if all shipping choices are within one shipping method

  • Added ability to view purchased gift certificate in the front end, including remaining balance
  • Added generated images of gift certificates and vouchers in the front end
  • Added feature where you can select the order status to restore the coupon number of uses for Virtuemart and Hikashop, good for order cancellations or refunds
  • Updated to work with Virtuemart 2.0.21 and up
  • Fixed issue with Joomla 3, where core ui files were conflicting with AwoCoupon ui files
  • Fixed issue with Hikashop, where if you split your shopping cart into two steps, there are situations where automatic discount are not given immediately
  • Fixed issue with parent coupons highest/lowest value process type where discount tracking was incorrectly calculated
  • Logic update: previously category exclude coupons required all the product categories to be in the exclude list before excluding; this is updated so if any of the product category is in the exclude list, the product is automatically excluded

  • Added a table grid for easier search of customers/products/categories/vendors/manufacturers/shopper groups/shipping/coupons when creating or editing a coupon
  • Fixed Redshop 1200 problem where automatic discount was not installing

  • Fixed problem where disabling multiple coupons would not allow automatic coupons and customer added coupon to work together
  • Fixed problem where 'Enable multiple coupons' is set to Yes and 'Coupons' is set to 1, would allow up to 2 coupons in the shopping cart
  • Fixed problem when using buy x get y coupon and set specific minimum value and automatically add to cart, the automatic product is sometimes added before the specific value is reached
  • Fixed problem with smtp authentication for AwoCoupon gift certificate emails
  • Fixed problem import parsing error which is caused when import file is missing some columns
  • Fixed Virtuemart 2.0.20 problem where coupons are set as discount before tax and tax is not correctly calculated
  • Fixed Hikashop problem where multiple taxes for a single product was not being calculated properly
  • Fixed Redshop problem where minimum total overall was calculated on the cart total including discount, it has now been changed to calculate on the product total including tax, excluding discounts
  • Fixed Redshop problem where shipping totals are displayed incorrectly after the use of a coupon code in some cases
  • Fixed Joomla 1.5 problem where plugins are not installed
  • Fixed Joomla 1.5 problem where main menu is frozen when within AwoCoupon

  • Added compatibility for Joomla 3

  • Added one click update
  • Added the ability to select specific shipping when creating a gift certificate
  • Added the ability to set the maximum number of gift certificate or coupons used in an order
  • Updated Virtuemart "Automatically add to cart 'Get Y' product" so if the get y product is already in the cart, its quantity is updated, instead of trying to add a new item. This works well for products with attributes.
  • Fixed error message if you set coupons to be case insensitive and using a coupon code not in the original case created
  • Fixed error where if coupon is generated from 3rd party and user is specified in the coupon, it does not work
  • Fixed Virtuemart display of message "Discount Coupon successfully added" when trying to add a code that does not exist
  • Fixed Virtuemart error where entering multiple coupons while anonymous causes a coupon not found error after logging in
  • Fixed Virtuemart gift certificate attributes to check parent product also

  • Added the ability to automatically add products to shopping cart for Buy X Get Y coupons
  • Revamped coupon structure to remove function type 2
  • Added Startdate/Expiration for Parent coupon type
  • Added Catalan language
  • For Virtuemart added flag to exclude from Virtuemart's automatic VAT calculation
  • For Virtuemart added calculation for discount before tax if Tax per bill is set
  • Fixed error in hikashop gift certificate function
  • Fixed caching problem

  • Added the ability to include/exclude customers/shopper groups
  • Updated starttime/expiraiton check to use the timezone set within Joomla global configuration instead of server time
  • Removed restriction from selleable gift certificates that email is required in custom attributes before message or name dynamic tags will be accepted
  • Fixed hikashop problem where entering the exact same invalid code 2 times in a row causes the cart to be confirmed
  • Fixed warnings in Virtuemart when using automatic discounts
  • In the coupon list after entering a search term, the admin notes field is now also searched along with the coupon code field
  • Fixed warning you receive when gift certificate has no valid products in the cart to discount

  • Removed restriction where customer is forced to sign in to use number of uses per customer coupons. Instead the order email is used to validate the number of uses.  It is not 100% backwards compatible, but will work for any usage entered after this update.
  • Removed restriction where customer is forced to sign in to use shopper group specific coupons
  • Added the admin note to the detailed view of a coupon
  • Set the email charset to utf-8
  • Fixed error in front end if number of uses is set in coupon
  • Fixed incorrect gift certificate calculation
  • Fixed problem with Hikashop and gift certificates when shipping has a tax

  • Added the ability to have multilingual email templates
  • Separated admin and front language files for easier language support
  • Fixed error in Redshop where coupon would not work if minimum order value was entered
  • Fixed problem with queuing messages where message was supressed when updating/deleting products in cart with valid coupon
  • Fixed error with automatic discounts when using buy x get y
  • Fixed error with automatic discounts when using parent coupon of process type 'Only if all apply'
  • Fixed coupon display in Hikashop where prices are not shown with tax and calculation of discount is done after tax
  • Fixed issue where user's coupons list on the front end, did not indicate if it was a percentage or amount discount

  • Added automatic discount functionality
  • Added ability to set before/after tax separately for coupons and gift certificates
  • Changed coupon precision from 2 to 4 decimal places
  • Fixed language text in hikashop where COUPON_NOT_VALID is converted to the real language text
  • Fixed bug for imports where gift certificates do not import unless you select an asset

  • Added support in AwoCoupon for HikaShop
  • Added the ability to select specific product/category/manufacturer/vendor when creating a gift certificate
  • Added the ability to set the Buy X product to match the Buy Y product even if you select multiple products in a Buy X Get Y coupon
  • Added Russian Translations
  • In Virtuemart, fixed bug where 'Enable store coupons' is set to 'Yes' and entering a Virtuemart coupon works initially but coupon is then removed from the shopping cart
  • In Virtuemart, if the logged in user is not in a hopper group, assume the he/sh is in the default shopper group
  • In Virtuemart, updated so that when 'On Featured' is selected within the Product detail and 'Exclude Products on Special' is selected within the coupon, the featured product is excluded
  • In RedShop, fixed error where shipping does not show when creating a shipping coupon in Joomla 1.5

  • Added the ability to setup "Buy X Get Y" feature within a single coupon
  • Updated import spreadsheet format
  • Fixed shipping coupons to handle default shipping for redSHOP
  • Fixed error with Virtuemart parent coupons where x number of uses per customer was not being honored
  • Fixed bug where filter is not honored when exporting reports to excel
  • Fixed bug where calendar was not showing on the report page

  • Extended to include redSHOP
  • Allow multiple coupons, one per submit, instead of forcing the customer to input all coupons at once separated by a semi-colon
  • Fixed installer which was clearing all cache instead of just awocoupon cache

  • Fixed bug in Joomla 1.5 that caused certain task not to work
  • Fixed an infinite loop problem that occurs in rare cases when displaying categories in 'New Coupon'

  • Added the ability to notify the Vendor by email of codes purchased by a customer at the time of purchase
  • Fixed error exporting reports when using languages other than English
  • Security Update

  • Added the ability to copy a coupon code from the coupon list screen
  • Revamped the reports, making them more efficient and less likely to receive out of memory errors

  • Added the ability to set the minimum order total for specific assets
  • Added the ability to disable images for html profiles
  • Added the ability to filter reports by coupon template
  • Added the display of the plugin status on the Dashboard
  • Updated the display of the category list as a category tree, for easier view of all categories and their children
  • Removed installation check page

  • Added the ability to resend gift certificate emails ordered by customers
  • Fixed issue from 2.0.2 for shipping coupons not being accpeted before a shipper is selected even if enabled in configuration

  • Updated automatic generated gift certificate system to use coupon templates
  • Updated to work with Virtuemart 2.0 stable

  • Added the ability to limit shipping coupons to specific products
  • Added the ability to use dynamic tags in free text fields when creating a profile
  • Added {product_name} tag for profile creation
  • Added Dutch Translations
  • Fixed language file errors when using # as a comment
  • Updates for latest version of Woocommerce
  • Fix: updated coupon to be regiesterd after order is moved out of draft
  • Fix: for discount before tax when processing order
  • Fix: updates for Woocommerce 8
  • New: added active codes column in gift certificate product list admin
  • New: option to display gift certificate purchase currency if not default, still stores value as default currency
  • New: added new way of processing coupon, requires updating advance configuration set "In coupon code processing, disable shipping in unique string" to yes
  • Fix: issue with deepcopy in php 8
  • Fix: issue to balance not being used in the cart for WooCommerce 6.5
  • New: added support for b2bking user groups
  • Fix: issue with automatic coupons working properly when minimum order total is set and updating quantity in the cart specifically
  • Fix: issue with updating order in the backend when gift certificate covers some/all of shipping also
  • New: Added function to Buy X Get Y coupons: "BuyX or GetY Lowest Value" and "BuyX or GetY Highest Value"
  • New: ghost_voucher tag
  • New: created an option for when multiple coupon is disabled to allow adding 1 automatic coupon along side 1 user entered coupon
  • New: updated frontend coupon list to include a redeem button
  • New: updated look when adding/editing a coupon for value definition
  • Fix: issue with automatic coupons when at least one coupon is an exclusive coupon
  • Fix: issue with giftcert product processing when order status to and order status after are the same
  • Fix: issue with new/edit coupons page and dropdowns in Safari
  • Fix: issue with shipping coupon when setting discount type to 'Specific'
  • Fix: issue with order not processing when using a coupon in woocommerce version 5.4.x
  • New: added new tax calculation when processing coupons: Discount before tax (voucher includes tax)
  • New: minimum order weight restriction in coupon
  • New: tcpdf update from 6.0.023 to 6.3.2
  • New: added awocouponBeforeCronReminder trigger
  • New: added ability to set cancellation order status for gift certificate purchases which will unpublished purchased gift certificates
  • New: added ability to subtract from customer balance in user customer balance section
  • Fix: updated sessions to use built in woocommerce sessions
  • New: allow user specific gift certificate to be added to customer balance for the specific user
  • New: updated UI to allow easy re-ordering of automatic coupons
  • Fix: issue with displaying used AwoCoupon coupons in order details
  • New: added Allowed cart scenarios in AwoCouopn > configuration > Multiple Coupons section
  • New: added ability to set the default characters used when automatically generating a coupon code globally
  • New: added more options to coupon generation screen: min length, max length, salt options
  • New: added new gift certificate images
  • New: features to email template image builder => updated free text from 3 to 20, added ability to add up to 20 images to image
  • New: reworked editing of customer balance in backend to be more user friendly
  • New: added created/updated timestamps to coupons for admin tracking
  • New: updated ui to add a 'Cancel' button to editing screens
  • New: added feature to gift certificates to allow restrictions by customer and/or shopper groups
  • New: update buy x get y functionality so that the 'buy x' product(s) can optionally be discounted also
  • New: update History of uses > coupons > Add new to better accomodate for a customer's AwoCoupon balance
  • Fix: on automatic discount screen, search only displays coupons with exact match
  • Fix: minimum order total > specific for checkboxes exclude discounted/special/giftcert
  • Fix: import issue with assets
  • Fix: issue with Automatically delete from cart 'Get Y' product" feature where it does not work well with 0 value discount
  • Fix: if set to case insensitive, make sure only one coupon code of same name is proccessed regardless of case
  • Fix: automatically add balance to cart feature not working if you empty cart and add items back to it
  • Fix: updated buyxy's "Automatically delete from cart 'Get Y' product" logic to take into account multiple discounts
  • New: updated automatically add get y product to cart to take into account products out of stock
  • Fix: issue with adding product to coupon when using the grid, third icon
  • New: added 'Fixed product price' option when creating a coupon
  • New: product minimum price restriction
  • New: update addcoupontocart function so it keeps trying to add coupon until it is successful, instead of just trying once in the whole session
  • New: configuration option to delete details column in table awocoupon_history after x days
  • New: ability to change order status after sending purchased gift certificates
  • New: ability to generate coupons with prefix/suffix in generate coupon screen
  • Fix: datetime issues for mysql strict mode
  • Fix: issues with the import function
  • Fix: language issues State/Status
  • Fix: rounding issues in coupon calculations
  • Fix: woocommerce system coupons case insensitivity not working
  • New: added coupon specific error message by using the tag {custom_error:...} in admin note field
  • New: added 'exclude all' option for shipping selection in coupon and awocoupon > configuration > balance
  • New: added option "Maximum Discount Amount" to gift certificates and combination coupons, which allows capping the discount
  • New: detached coupons from coupon history so coupons can be safely deleted and still show in coupon history
  • Fix: expiration strings in gift certificate not working correctly for some, such as 12 months
  • New: added option to delete 'Get Y' product automatically added to cart from Buy X Get Y coupons
  • New: added option to automatically add balance of logged in user to cart
  • Fix: issue with AwoCoupon balance working on excluded categories/shippings
  • Fix: issue with gift certificate email to vendor
  • New: Gift certificate purchaser as manager function, where purchaser of a gift certificate can always see the balance of gift certificate even when used by another and email notification on use
  • New: ability to insert awocoupon balance into couopn history, to mark as used
  • New: update reminder function to include purchased gift certificates and email tied to it
  • Fix: euro sign problem in gift certificate image
  • Fix: issue with gift certificate vendor email
  • New: added the ability to disable sending of purchased gift certificate email
  • New: added a Display text field when adding/editing a coupon, making tag customer_display_text obsolete
  • Fix: ordering for automatic discount coupons
  • Fix: for Buy X Get Y > Each Quantity, updated so 'Amount per item' works correctly
  • New: added ability to search for coupons by user name
  • New: Added tag filter for coupon list report
  • Fix: issue when adding gift certificate to customer balance and you have start date/expiration set
  • Fix: store credit usage in front end
  • Fix: case sensitive issue when entering coupon code to find in dropdown
  • Fix: for buy x get y, minimum value only allows 'overall'

  • Fix: issue with multiple currency and gift certificates
  • Fix: issue with exporting reports to csv
  • Fix: issue with buy x get y coupon

  • New: Added ability to include/exclude products based on custom taxonomies, including attributes
  • Fix: issue with automatically adding get y product to cart
  • Fix: case sensitive coupon code not working in latest version of WooCommerce
  • Fix: update code to WordPress standard

  • Fix: adding and processing store credit in the front end
  • Fix: display of coupon discount when 'discount before tax' is set to 'no'

  • Fix: calculation issues

  • Initial Release
  • Fix: email fix in Prestashop 8.1.6
  • New: option to disable usergroup coupon from showing in the front end
  • Fix: usergroup coupon display in front end issue
  • Fix: Date in history of gift certificate report
  • Fix: override issues, requires manual update of Cart.php override.
  • Fix: for Prestashop 8, attribute fix
  • Fix: updated to work with Prestahsop 8.1.2
  • Fix: update dates to display based on system settings in backend
  • Fix: updated to work with Php 8
  • Fix: issues with Prestashop
  • Fix: issue when using an automatic coupon that automatically adds a product to the cart and using a normal coupon that removes it
  • New: updated user search to include searching email and take into account multi store chosen in AwoCoupon
  • New: addes Spanish language translations
  • Fix: language translation issues
  • New: Added function to Buy X Get Y coupons: "BuyX or GetY Lowest Value" and "BuyX or GetY Highest Value"
  • New: update highlight so it is not enabled by default and can use tag {hightlight_on} to turn it on. Requires update of CartRule.php override.
  • Fix: issue with creating/editing email template and not being able to move the coupon/value/expiration fields in the image section
  • New: updated look when adding/editing a coupon for value definition
  • New: updated frontend coupon list to include a redeem button
  • New: ghost_voucher tag
  • New: created an option for when multiple coupon is disabled to allow adding 1 automatic coupon along side 1 user entered coupon
  • Fix: mail issue in Prestashop 1.7.7
  • Fix: context->customer issue for 1.7.7
  • New: added new tax calculation when processing coupons: Discount before tax (voucher includes tax)
  • New: minimum order weight restriction in coupon
  • New: tcpdf update from 6.0.023 to 6.3.2
  • New: added awocouponBeforeCronReminder trigger
  • New: added ability to set cancellation order status for gift certificate purchases which will unpublished purchased gift certificates
  • New: added ability to subtract from customer balance in user customer balance section
  • New: added Allowed cart scenarios in AwoCouopn > configuration > Multiple Coupons section
  • New: added ability to set the default characters used when automatically generating a coupon code globally
  • New: added more options to coupon generation screen: min length, max length, salt options
  • New: added new gift certificate images
  • New: features to email template image builder => updated free text from 3 to 20, added ability to add up to 20 images to image
  • New: reworked editing of customer balance in backend to be more user friendly
  • New: added created/updated timestamps to coupons for admin tracking
  • New: updated ui to add a 'Cancel' button to editing screens
  • New: added feature to gift certificates to allow restrictions by customer and/or shopper groups
  • New: update buy x get y functionality so that the 'buy x' product(s) can optionally be discounted also
  • New: update History of uses > coupons > Add new to better accomodate for a customer's AwoCoupon balance
  • Fix: on automatic discount screen, search only displays coupons with exact match
  • Fix: minimum order total > specific for checkboxes exclude discounted/special/giftcert
  • Fix: import issue with assets
  • Fix: issue with Automatically delete from cart 'Get Y' product" feature where it does not work well with 0 value discount
  • Fix: if set to case insensitive, make sure only one coupon code of same name is proccessed regardless of case
  • Fix: automatically add balance to cart feature not working if you empty cart and add items back to it
  • Fix: updated buyxy's "Automatically delete from cart 'Get Y' product" logic to take into account multiple discounts
  • New: updated automatically add get y product to cart to take into account products out of stock
  • Fix: issue with adding product to coupon when using the grid, third icon
  • Fix: issue with converting shopping cart to order in backend causing 500 erroir
  • New: added 'Fixed product price' option when creating a coupon
  • New: product minimum price restriction
  • New: update addcoupontocart function so it keeps trying to add coupon until it is successful, instead of just trying once in the whole session
  • New: configuration option to delete details column in table awocoupon_history after x days
  • New: ability to change order status after sending purchased gift certificates
  • New: ability to generate coupons with prefix/suffix in generate coupon screen
  • New: added ability to install AwoCoupon menu from Modules > AwoCoupon configuration page
  • New: added ability to install hooks from AwoCoupon > Installation check page
  • Fix: datetime issues for mysql strict mode
  • Fix: issues with the import function
  • Fix: language issues State/Status
  • Fix: rounding issues in coupon calculations
  • New: added coupon specific error message by using the tag {custom_error:...} in admin note field
  • New: added 'exclude all' option for shipping selection in coupon and awocoupon > configuration > balance
  • New: added option "Maximum Discount Amount" to gift certificates and combination coupons, which allows capping the discount
  • New: detached coupons from coupon history so coupons can be safely deleted and still show in coupon history
  • Fix: expiration strings in gift certificate not working correctly for some, such as 12 months
  • New: added option to delete 'Get Y' product automatically added to cart from Buy X Get Y coupons
  • New: added option to automatically add balance of logged in user to cart
  • New: Gift certificate purchaser as manager function, where purchaser of a gift certificate can always see the balance of gift certificate even when used by another and email notification on use
  • New: ability to insert awocoupon balance into couopn history, to mark as used
  • Fix: issue with AwoCoupon balance working on excluded categories/shippings
  • New: added a Display text field when adding/editing a coupon, making tag customer_display_text obsolete
  • Fix: for Buy X Get Y > Each Quantity, updated so 'Amount per item' works correctly
  • Fix: CC purchaser in gift certificate products not working
  • New: added the ability to disable sending of purchased gift certificate email
  • Fix: ordering for automatic discount coupons
  • Fix: updated Buy X Get Y to take all products into account when determining process type of lowest/highest
  • Fix: disabled customer balance cache
  • Fix: issue with gift certificate product attributes not working in Prestashop 1.6
  • Fix: issue with upgrading to 3.x and giftcert images not being copied over
  • New: added the ability to disable sending of purchased gift certificate email
  • New: ability to setup discount based on product attribute
  • Fix: issue with editing coupons in the backend in Prestashop 1.6
  • New: can now setup store specific coupons
  • New: added ability to search for coupons by user name
  • Fix: update awocoupon session to be saved in database instead of session for payment methods that connect anonymously
  • Fix: update to make AwoCoupon more portable
  • New: allow normal coupon to override automatic coupon if not using multiple coupons
  • New: added customer/user group restrictions to combination coupons
  • Fix: issue when adding gift certificate to customer balance and you have start date/expiration set
  • Fix: issue with displaying history of uses
  • Fix: for buy x get y, minimum value only allows 'overall'
  • Fix: issue when adding gift certificate to customer balance and you have start date/expiration set
  • New: allow normal coupon to override automatic coupon if not using multiple coupons
  • Fix: case sensitive issue when entering coupon code to find in dropdown
  • Fix: issue with activating subscription
  • Fix: case sensitive issue when entering coupon code to find in dropdown
  • Fix: issue with multiple currency and gift certificates calculating used total correctly
  • Fix: issue creating/editing PrestaShop coupons **** requires manual update of override file override/classes/CartRule.php
  • Fix: popup box for value definition does not load
  • Fix: added connection to storecoupon for overrrides
  • Fix: issue with display dates in image when creating/editing an email template
  • Fix: issue with installation from 1.x to 3.x where customer images are not moved over

  • Complete revamp of AwoCoupon, requires new override files
  • New: added AwoCoupon balance feature, customer can have store credit in front end
  • New: added Send a Voucher function from the back end
  • New: can now edit on import
  • New: setup reminder emails for expiring coupons
  • New: new buy x get y options
  • New: add a coupon to cart using a link
  • New: payment selection option

  • Fix: menu item does not show on install in Prestashop 1.7.1
  • Fix: error for override in Cart.php for Prestashop 1.7

  • New: updated to work with Prestashop 1.7
  • Fix: issue where gift certificate set to work with specific products still work on shipping even though none have been selected

  • Fix: mail issue with and up
  • Fix: updated code so Prestashop Loyalty points take AwoCoupon discount into account

  • New: Automatic discounts
  • New: Fine tuning of multi coupon selection
  • New: Tag a coupon
  • New: Special tag {exclusive} which forces a coupon to be exclusive
  • New: Front end description field for coupons
  • Fix: pagination issue in Prestashop 1.6.1

  • New: Minimum product quantity selection in function type coupon and shipping
  • Fix: in Preatashop 1.6.1, shipping discount not taken into account in Gift certificate - REQUIRES MANUAL UPDATE TO override/classes/Cart.php
  • Fix: rounding issue in discount calculated for each item in cart, although the overall discount was correct

  • New: Display coupons assigned to customer groups in user front end user account
  • Fix: Fatal error in Prestashp when checking out with a coupon code - REQUIRES MANUAL UPDATE TO classes/Cart.php AND classes/order/Order.php OVERRIDES

  • Fix: issue with filtering in Prestashop 1.6.1

  • Fix: updates for Prestashop 1.6.1

  • Fix: error in override/classes/Cart.php that affects adding orders in the backend
  • Fix: language selection issue with Prestashop 1.6

  • New: Add the tag {instock_only} to customer note of a coupon to exclude it from products that are out of stock
  • Fix: problem with 1.4.x where order does not complete due to a fatal error

  • Fixed problem with 1.5.x and gift certificates where if the order total after discounts is 0 and 'Calculate discount before tax (giftcert)' is set to 'no' and order has shipping costs including tax, an error is thrown when validating the order
  • Fixed problem with orders where the stock of a product is discounted twice when using a coupon if 'Calculate discount before tax' is set to 'no'
  • Fixed problem with adding coupon code from order backend
  • Fixed problem where entering orders through backend you could not use an AwoCoupon code

  • Updated logic for tax after discount to work better within Prestashop 1.6 system - REQUIRES MANUAL UPDATE TO classes/Cart.php OVERRIDE

  • Added ability to restrict coupon by Country and/or State
  • Updated shipping coupons to allow selecting assests product, category, manufacturer, vendor, instead of just products
  • Added Exclude specials checkbox to Buy X Get Y coupons
  • Fixed issues with Prestashop 1.6 where filtering and ordering of admin list did not work

  • Added translatable coupon error descriptions for front end
  • Fixed an error where entering multiple gift certificates will keep discounting the shipping without taking into account what a previous gift ertificate has done
  • Fixed an error when calling Cart::getOrderTotal for orders that have been confirmed which does not return AwoCoupon discount if exists, used by some Payment methods - REQUIRES UPDATE TO OVERRIDE

  • Added the ability to resend purchased voucher emails
  • Added the feature to move purchased voucher balance view to the first account that uses the voucher
  • Added the feature that displays customer specific coupon codes within the cart summary under the "Take advantage of our exclusive offers:" section - REQUIRES UPDATE TO OVERRIDE

  • Added ability to see AwoCoupon coupons used in order
  • Updated Email system to use Prestashop Swift
  • Fixed error where checking 'Exclude gift certificates' when creating a coupon with function type 'Gift Certificate' does not work
  • Fixed error for Prestashop 1.5.3 in front end 'my account'
  • Logic update: previously category exclude coupons required all the product categories to be in the exclude list before excluding; this is updated so if any of the product category is in the exclude list, the product is automatically excluded

  • Updated Frontend templates to be overwritable in theme
  • Updated front end icon
  • Updated date to use Prestashop date format
  • Fixed configuration issue where setting 'Enable Store Coupons' to no would default back to yes
  • Fixed issue where using a coupon that set the order total to 0 would automatically sent customer a coupon voucher - REQUIRES UPDATE TO OVERRIDE

  • Added the ability to view Vouchers in the front end
  • Added support for Prestashop 1.6
  • Updated Buy X Get Y Add Product to Cart Automatically function: if product has an attribute, instead of not adding the product, the default attribute is looked up and used to add the product to the cart
  • In Prestashop 1.5, fixed so that no database error is thrown when using a coupon code on order complete if you have debug mode turned on
  • Updated coupon generation to generate new coupon for gift certificates within a parent coupon
  • Fixed ajax so it works without modifying core files for some types of installations

  • Added storing of full coupon details in database
  • Updated the logic of Buy X Get Y Amount discounts, which previously only discounted once but now discounts as many times as the customer qualifies for the discount
  • Fixed issue where discount recorded is always 0 if you have the default currency conversion rate set to 0
  • Fixed error where number of uses for parent coupons are set
  • Fixed language display problems when setting up a coupon from the non default store

  • Added the use of PDF's within a gift certificate email
  • Added new menu system
  • Updated to work with Prestashop 1.5.6
  • Fixed issue in multiple language shop where the english version of the product name is always displayed under gift certificates
  • Fixed issue where a coupon with limited use restrictions or gift certificate can be over used if in different shopping carts simultaneously, requires manual update of override/classes/order.php file

  • Update reports shop filter to work with all relevant reports
  • Fixed problems with duplicating a profile in version 1.1.9

  • Updated to support multiple languages for profile emails
  • Updated logic so Exclude product on specials works on products discounted from the original price as well as products marked on sale

  • Updated depracated code to be fully compatible with Prestashop 1.5
  • Added support for AwoAffiliate Prestashop
  • Fixed error where Purchased gift certificate report was not loading

  • Added 2 options that give you the ability to select how gift certificate and coupons are treated, before or after tax
  • For Prestashop 1.5.x, added multistore capabilities, where you can create a coupon code for one or more stores

  • Fixed issue where amount discounts are not correctly converted in multiple currency stores
  • Fixed issue with shipping costs and gift certificates for Prestashop version 1.5.0 and up

  • Added the ability to automatically add products to shopping cart for Buy X Get Y coupons
  • Removed restriction where customer is forced to sign in to use number of uses per customer coupons. Instead the order email is used to validate the number of uses. It is not 100% backwards compatible, but will work for any usage entered after this update.

  • Fixed error with where a mysql error is displayed when generating a gift certificate if using imported codes for puchasing gift certificates

  • Added the ability to select specific assets (product/category/vendor/manufacturer) and specific shipping when creating a gift certificate

  • Added the ability to set the Buy X product to match the Buy Y product even if you select multiple products in a Buy X Get Y coupon
  • Fixed javascript expiration problem, where a valid expiration date is not accepted
  • Fixed version display problem, even after upgrade, receiving warning to upgrade
  • Fixed make license permanent warning, even after license has been made permanent

  • Fixed issue with value definition coupons not saving
  • Fixed error which causes system default coupons not to be updated in Prestashop 1.4.x by call to undefined function update() in Discount.php

  • Updated to work with Prestashop 1.5