AwoCoupon » Coupons

This screen shows a list of coupons that have been created. At the top, there is a list of filters and a search field to help you find coupons efficiently. A coupon can be copied, published, unpublished, deleted, or edited from this screen.

New Coupon (fields)
To add a new coupon, select "New Coupon" from the control panel, or "New" from the coupons list.

Function Type
Coupon: used as a normal coupon.
Gift Certificate: used as a gift certificate.
Shipping: create coupons for shipping
Buy X Get Y: special promotion coupons such as buy 1 get 1 free, buy 3 for 2, etc
Parent: create coupons for other coupons

Coupon Code
Enter a unique coupon code of up to 32 characters

Published: active coupon
Unpublished: inactive coupon
Template: inactive coupon used in the generation of coupons in external plugins

Percent or Amount
Not used with gift certificates
Percent: uses the value as a percentage
Amount: uses the value as the amount discount
Amount per item: uses the value ss the amount discount per eligible item in the cart

Discount Type
Not used with gift certificates. This option can only be used when an asset is selected, otherwise it should be set to "Overall".
Options (Shipping)
Overall: The shipping discount is given if any of the products from the product list are in the cart. If no product is selected, then it is assumed all the products are valid
Specific: The shipping discount is given if all the products in the cart are also in the coupon's product list.
Options (Everything Else)
Overall: The discount is calculated as a percentage of the overall total in the shopping cart
Specific: The discount is calculated as a percentage of the total of the products configured in the coupon that are in the shopping cart

Number: this is the value of the coupon and is dependent on the Percent or Amount field to determine how it is calculated

Value Definition
Only used with function type Coupon and is used in place of the Value field.
Process Type: selection
Progressive: Discounts are based on the number of products customers buy. For example, setup a discount as such:
-> Qty: 1, Value: 10%
-> Qty: 3, Value: 20%
-> Qty: 11, Value: 0

-> if 1 - 2 items are purchased, give a 10% discount on cart
-> if 3 - 10 items are purchased, give a 20% discount on the cart
-> if more than 10 items are purchased, give a 20% discount only on the first 10 items

Step: Discounts are broken out and at each stage of quantity, the customer receives a specific discount. It is easiest to give an example. Lets assume your setup of a step discount is this:

-> Qty: 2, Value: 0
-> Qty: 3, Value: 5%
-> Qty: 7, Value: 10%
-> Qty: 14, Value: 0

-> Do not discount the first 2 items in the cart
-> Quantity 3 - 6, gives these items a 5% discount
-> Quantity 7 - 13, give these items a 10% discount
-> No more discounts for items 14 and up

Ordering: the cart can be re-ordered before processing, here are the options
First found match: the order in which the customer entered the items into the cart
Lowest Value: the cart is re-ordered with the lowest value item first and the highest last
Highest Value: the cart is re-ordred witht the highest value item first and the lowest last

Apply Distinct Count:
By default the product count is done on all products selected. For example if you have products A, B, and C, then 2 A's are treated the same as 1 A and 1 B, in terms of the count. By clicking the checkbox 'Apply Distinct Count', then 2 A's are treated as 1 product while 1 A and 1 B are treated as 2 products.

Apply discount to
Only used with Buy X Get Y coupons
Only GetY: discount applies to get y products. For example coupon is Buy 3 Get 2, then the Get 2 items are discounted
Both BuyX and GetY: discount applies to BOTH Buy X and Get Y. For example coupon is Buy 3 Get 2, then all 5 items are discounted.
BuyX or GetY Lowest Value: discount applies to the lowest value of either Buy X or Get Y. For example coupon is Buy 3 Get 2, then 2 items with the lowest value of the 5 are discounted.
BuyX or GetY Highest Value: discount applies to the highest value of either Buy X or Get Y. For example coupon is Buy 3 Get 2, then 2 items with the highest value of the 5 are discounted.

Maximum Discount Amount
Number: the maximum value the coupon can be discounted

Individual use only
Checkbox: force a coupon to be exclusive. If there are any other coupons in the shopping cart, they are removed and only this coupon is processed regardless of it it is an automatic discount or a coupoon code entered.

Display Text
Text: instead of showing the coupon code, show this text to the customer instead

Number of uses total
Not used with gift certificates
Number: number of times the coupon can be used in total, unlimited if left blank

Number of uses per customer
Not used with gift certificates
Number: number of times the coupon can be used per customer, based on email address, unlimited if left blank

Minimum order total
Not used with gift certificates
Overall: tests the minimum total of the whole cart
Specific: if selected specific assets (product, category, vendor, etc), then test the minimum total only on the those items
Number: this is the minimum total of the product total in the shopping cart before a coupon can take effect. If set to 0 or left blank, then there is no minimum order total.

Minimum Product Quantity
Not used with gift certificates
Overall: tests the minimum number of products in the cart
Specific: if selected specific assets (product, category, vendor, etc), then test the minumum number of products in the cart only on the those items
Number: this is the minimum number of products in the shopping cart before a coupon can take effect. If set to 0 or left blank, then there is no minimum quantity.

Minimum Product Price
Used with coupons and gift certificate function types
With tax: checks the price of each product after tax is greater than or equal to the value field
No tax: checks the price of each product before tax is greater than or equal to the value field
Number: the minimum value of each product in the shopping cart. If the product value is lower it is ignored in the discount. If set to 0 or left blank, then there is no minimum product price.

Maximum Discount Qty
Number: used in buy x get y to set the limit on the number of discounts that can be given

Start Date
Date/Time: the date/time, based on the timezone set, the coupon/gift certificate begins to be active. If left blank, then it is valid from the time it is entered.

Date/Time: the date/time, based on the timezone set, the coupon/gift certificate expires. If left blank, then it never expires.

Don't Mix Products
Checkbox: used in buy x get y for the product selections. If checked, then Buy X product has to be the same as Get Y product. If not checked, then can mix and match provided products are on the buy x get y lists.

Automatically add to cart 'Get Y' product
Checkbox: used in buy x get y. If checked, AwoCoupon will attempt to add product Get Y to the shopping cart. Note it may not be able to for any number of reasons including the product is out of stock or the product requires attributes to be selected.

Exclude Discounted Products
Checkbox: If checked, the coupon discount will not apply to products that are on special or discounted.

Exclude Gift Certificate Products
Checkbox: If checked, the gift certificate discount will not apply to products that are tagged as gift certificate products.

Customer Type
Not used with gift certificates
Customer: create coupons for specific customer(s)
Shopper Group: create coupons for specific shopper group(s)

Not used with gift certificates
Include: treats the selection as inclusive, allowing those customers selected within the coupon
Exclude: treats the selection as exclusive, excluding those customers selected within the coupon
Multiple selection: shows all your store customers.

Shopper Group
Not used with gift certificates
Include: treats the selection as inclusive, allowing those customers who are in the selected shopper group to use the coupon
Exclude: treats the selection as exclusive, excluding those customers who are in the selected shoppger group to use the coupon. Note, even if customer the customer is part of another shopper group that is not on the list, he/she will still be excluded as long as he/she is part of a shopper group that is on the list.
Multiple selection: shows all your shopper groups. Selection of shopper groups will activate the coupon only for those customers within a shopper group.

Country/State Selection
Not used with gift certificates
Multiple selection: select from all contries/states
Options : Include / Exclude

Payment Method Selection
Not used with gift certificates
Multiple selection: select from all payment emthods
Options : Include / Exclude

Product Selection
Multiple selection: select from all products
Options : Include / Exclude

Multiple selection: select from all categories
Options : Include / Exclude

Multiple selection: select from all manufacturers
Options : Include / Exclude

Multiple selection: select from all vendors
Options : Include / Exclude

Shipping Selection
Only used with function type of Shipping
Multiple selection: select from all shipping methods
Options : Include / Exclude

Virtuemart 1.1.x only
The shipping option allows you to create coupons to give discounts on shipping. By default, discounts can be given on all shipping modules, but currently 7 shipping modules are supported. Supported shipping modules allow you to select specifications within a shipper in order to give a discount. For example, if a supported shipping module has 'standard' and 'express' shipping, then you could choose one or both for the shipping discount. Unsupported shippers only work if NONE of the shippers are selected. In effect this gives a discount to every shipper. So if an unsupported shipper has 'standard' and 'express' shipping, the coupon created would have to give the same discount for both. If your shipper is not supported, please contact the AwoDevelopment team and it can be added.
Currently Supported Shipping Modules:
Australia Post Shipping Module
Flex Shipping Module
Standard Shipping Module
Multiple selection: shows all your store shipping supported by AwoCoupon Pro
Options : Include / Exclude

Coupon Selection
Only used with function type of Parent
This option allows you to join multiple coupons into one coupon by adding them as assets. When a customer uses a parent coupon, then depending on the process type (see below) the coupon is processed as such.
Multiple selection: shows all coupons that are not parent coupons.
Options (Process type):
First found match
Lowest value coupon
Highest value coupon
All that apply
ONLY if all apply

Input: Enter tags in order to categorize your coupons. In the coupon list you can filter by tags. There are also restricted tags that are used to alter the behavior of a coupon code. Here is the list and their descriptions:
This tag overrides the global function for calculating the discount with regards to tax. It calculates the discount before tax.
This tag overrides the global function for calculating the discount with regards to tax. It calculates the discount after tax.
No longer valid, please use the "Individual use only" checkbox.
When using muliple coupons and have restrictions on the number of coupons that can be entered in cart, adding this tag to a coupon excludes it from being counted
Prestashop only
If the voucher is not yet in the cart, it will be displayed in the cart summary.

Admin Note
Text: Internal note about the coupon. There are also restricted tags that are used to alter the behavior of a coupon code. Here is the list and their descriptions:
Example usage: {customer_display_text:mycoupon_display_text}
This tag overrides the coupon name and displays to the customer instead what is in the tag, even for automatic coupons. In using the example usage, the customer would see mycoupon_discount_text instead of the coupon name.
Example usage: {daily_time_limit: 0830, 1700}
This tag allows you to set a daily time limit that a coupon can be used. Using the above example, the coupon code will only be valid from 8:30am to 5pm (1700 hours). Note the start/end times have to be 4 digit numbers, where the maximum allowed for end time is 2359.
Example usage: {custom_error: This is a specialized coupon}
This tag allows you to set the custom error which is displayed to the customer when the coupon code is not accepted. Using the above example, if the coupon is not accepted, the customer will see the error message "This is a specialized coupon".

Generate Coupons
To generate coupons, select the "Generate" icon from the coupon list.

Single selection: Shows all the cuopon templates created within AwoCoupon. To create a new template, add a new coupon and under the 'Published' dropdown, select 'Template'.

Number: this is the value for the number of coupons you want to create using the template coupon selected.