Zero balance on order
- I'm using AWO for gift certificates. If a customer uses their certificate and the order total is $0.00, when processing the order, vm still tries to direct thru payment method chosen, (paypal or credit card). Do I have to set up another payment method of "no payment" if order is $0.00?
- Yes, correct, you have to setup another payment method. Set its maximum order total to 0.01. And set your other payment methods minimum order total to 0.01, so the free payment method should show only when there is an order total of 0.
- Thanks, A couple of troubles with this...
I am using VMPayment-Firstdata GGe4 payment method to process credit cards. It does not have an option in the config to set min or max order totals. I did set the No Payment option as the default, so that displays 1st in the list, so it would be workable, BUT it does not automatically load the No Payment option on entering and saving the certificate code. If I refresh the page, then it loads the No Payment option.
- Are you using a checkout extension? What version of Virtuemart is this?
VM 3.6.10
Yes, I have VirtuePlanet, VP One Page Checkout
I see there is an option in one page checkout settings to reload payment methods after coupon code submission.... I will try this.
That worked! Thanks!
Hopefully one last question... Upon using the code for a certificate that has been partially used already but has a remaining balance, it errors: V8XbzUAe: Coupon code not found. Please try again.- You can go to awocoupon > configuration > error messages, click the debug button and save. Then try the coupon again in the front end to see why it failed.
- Thank you... The error reads: V8XbzUAe: No record, unpublished or expired.
In the coupons listing, the status of this certificate displays an ORANGE checkmark (balance). I created a new certificate and tested that with using partial on one purchase and partial on another and it worked fine. Maybe there was a setting not right in this earlier created certificate. So this seems to be working well now. Can customer check their balance themselves somehow? I know this question will come up as this starts to sell.
- Hello,When it is a balance (orange) it is not a coupon any more, it is tied to a specific account and can only be used as a credit, more on that here:You must have had 'automatically add valid gift certificate to balance on coupon usage' set to 'yes'
- Thanks Seyi, Can the customer check their balance themselves somehow? I know this question will come up as the certificates start to sell.
- On a normal gift certificate no, unless they purchased it, then it will show on their list in their coupon screen and it shows the balance:index.php?option=com_awocoupon&view=couponsIf you are referring to AwoCoupon Balance, then yes, on the gift certificate page, can also add gift certificates to your account on that screen:index.php?option=com_awocoupon&view=giftcerts
- OK, Thanks so much for your help!