- AwoCoupon for virtuemart
- events booking coupons
If not, how can I validate and unpublish awocoupon coupons in php, so I can build the integration by myself?
I've begun to implement support for awocoupon pro in the events booking component.
The validation and redeeming functionalities (just the basics) already working nicely on the events booking-side without the need of customizing any awocoupon classes. This is pretty easy by overriding two events booking classes.
Now I'm stuck at updating the model inside awocoupon.
For example: I have an event that costs 150€ (vat included). How can I mark the coupon as used and / or decrement it's available balance?
I've looked into the source and I think I've to create history records for the coupon.
I haven't found a controller or helper class that makes this possible without being tied to the virtuemart-context (order-id and so on).
Also, how I can check the left value of an coupon with just the coupon-code?
Thank you very much in advance.