Salve, Joomla 3.9.3, virtuemart 3.2.4, template Horme 3. I set 3 automatic discount coupons for the amount: 5%, 15%, 22% of the total amount in the cart. The percentage and amount of the discount is applied but not shown in the cart. Grazie
Discount line not showing in cart
- Hello,Are you using a one page checkout? Do you have the same problem when you enter a coupon code manually? Sounds like it might be a template issue.
- Attached I send you a screen shot of the cart. When the 5% discount is applied, 2 blocks of green are visible and next to (in white, therefore, the writing (Sconto) is not visible). When the other discounts (15% and 22%) are applied, the 2 green rectangles are not visible. Should not the rates and the name of the coupon appear in the discount space (standard Viruemart?)
- Hi, I'm waiting for help, thanks
- So this is the 5% discount:And the 15% discountThe 5% discount has 2 green marks and shows a discount, while the 15% discount does not show the line.How are the discounts applied? Are they both from AwoCoupon? Are they automatically applied or manually entered?
- As mentioned, the discounts (3) are applied to the total of the cart and are automatic copon (5% for the cart amount exceeding 300 + VAT, 15% for the cart amount above 500 + VAT, 22% for the cart amount above 700 + VAT)
- Ok, if you enter a coupon manually do you get the same behaviour?As mentioned previously I think this is an issue with your template. Try using virtuemart template, to do that go to this directory:www/templates/[YOUR_TEMPLATE]/html/com_virtuemart/You should see the folder "cart" in that directory. Rename it to something else and refresh your cart to see what happens.
- I changed the name to the folder Cart. As an attachment nothing changed. Do you have any suggestions on templates to use?
- Possible to have a direct look at it? If so can you send a private message with temp access.
- message sent by e-mail
- Ok so looking at it with a normal coupon you enter manually first, this is what I see:Looking at the code displayed on the page, it shows this:
<span class="label label-success">
<a rel="nofollow" href="/ingrosso-caffe/carrello/deletecoupons.html?task2=deletecoupons&id=12" align="middle" title="Elimina dal carrello">
<img src="/media/com_awocoupon/images/x-48.png" alt="x" style="height:14px;">
AwoCoupon code starts with the div, the wrapping 'span class="label label-success"' is not Awocoupon code. Using chrome console, I removed the class from the span, so the full code looks like this:</div><span class="">
<a rel="nofollow" href="/ingrosso-caffe/carrello/deletecoupons.html?task2=deletecoupons&id=12" align="middle" title="Elimina dal carrello">
<img src="/media/com_awocoupon/images/x-48.png" alt="x" style="height:14px;">
After doing that, the coupon code shows correctly, as in this image:So not sure where the class with label label-success is coming from, but that will need to be removed to display correctly.Thanks, which is the file I need to correct?Ciao,
I spent the whole morning on the problem. You should answer these questions so I do not waste time and you either. What has already been said and I have set 3 levels of automatic discount (that is, it must not be written by the customer) that are activated when the cart reaches a certain amount of purchase. As already mentioned (5%, 15% and 22%). I expect that when the cart reaches the first automatically is discounted as set (5%). The name of the discount and the discounted amount must appear in the cart so the customer sees the discounted price. Then if the customer wants to buy more and get to the second level of discount (15%) it should do the same thing (show the customer the name of the discount and the amount). And so also for the third (22%) ... Please let me know if you can do it or not. I've already lost too much time. Thanks again for the assistance.AwoCoupon does make a small change in what is displayed in the cart, in order to give customers the ability to delete a coupon code. This seems to be conflicting with your template. In order to show just the coupon code itself, please add the following:Create the file: www/templates/[YOUR_TEMPLATE]/html/com_awocoupon/coupondelete/default.phpAnd in it add:<?php
echo $this->coupons_original_text;
?>After that it should display as though you entered a Virtuemart coupon.If you want me to do it, please send temp ftp access.I did what was required, the description (Discount) appears only at the first coupon (5%), when the second (15%) is applied the description disappears and so also for the third (22%), other ideas?You can use the customer_display_text:Ciao, where should I insert these tags?Hello,In the admin note field when adding/editing a coupon.Ciao,
also tried this, I only see the name of the coupon of the first discount (5%), when I reach the second and the third discount does not appear anything.The name should appear for each coupon if you set it up for each.No, only the firstSo it gives discounts for second and 3rd but does not show the discount name you setup? Can i have some screen shots of the frotnend cart and the backend setup?Thanks for the access. In the end, went to awocoupon > installation check, uninstalled the file update item and re-installed it, and after that it works fine now.