AwoRewards » Examples - Facebook share and post to wll rules

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     7 years ago

    I am still configuring the rules for AWORewards and found it dificult to identify what to put in the fields of AWORewards as there is no Tooltip at all to explain what informatin to enter neither any documentation on this on the site.

    Could you please give some detail explanations to the fields needed to define these two above rules and by preference make an example explaining the options.

    Great wouls be to include some example how the post looks like in Facebook and there reference what fields/options are creating this post.

    Thanks in advance

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     7 years ago


    The documentation for rules are here:

    I will look into adding an example, in the example section:
  • Default avatar
     7 years ago

    Thanks seyi,

    I did read all of them already. The point is there are other fields in the Facebook posting rule which are not explained in none documentation and there is no tooltip at all in the component which would shine some light on it so I really need an example of ABOVE RULES, or at least explaing the additional fields and ditterences bewteen facebook wall post and facebook share...

    As creating rules is probably the most important part of the whole AWO system configuration, I guess it would be useful to add this to your documentation, too and show an image of the result for all those which are doing this for the first time...

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     7 years ago


    I have added some documentation on the facebook timeline here:

    Also you can get an idea of what a timeline share will look like if you go to aworewards->invitations and create an facebook timeline invitation, and then view it in the front end.

    The facebook timeline was born from this post:

    The post to facebook wall requires extra permissions from facebook, which requires approval.  Timeline does not.