OPC Rupostel and AWO - for your information

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     8 years ago


    I had problem with OPC Rupostel:

    1) I have installed the latest version of VM from virtuemart.net

    2) Problem doesn't appear in OPC v. 2.0.319

    3) Problem is even in latest OPC ver. 2.0328.
    I add normal coupon and it seems to be all right (Discount Coupon successfully added) but the problem appears just after "purchase confirmation": Error x (coupon code): Coupon code not found. Please try again. 

    Finally the coupon value is discounted but at the invoice I can't find any coupon code it's hard to say what coupon was calculated. (As I said it happens only in ver upper than 2.0.319).

    I have received answer form Rupostel:

    Re: Problem with Awo Coupon
    Postby admin » Thu Jan 12, 2017 2:12 pm

    hello, i am testing latest awo+opc+vm and i found that awo is not capable of using shipping coupons before the shipping is selected and for this reason i suggest a solution: 

    OPC config -> Display tab -> DO NOT use ajax for coupons 

    make sure this is NOT CHECKED (I.E. it's enabled)

    VM deletes the coupon automatically upon coupon validation and thus the coupon is not used. 

    best regards, stan

    Best  regards


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     8 years ago


    There must be another reason it is not working because AwoCoupon does save the coupon before shipping is selected.  Just to make sure I ran a test:

    - disabled opc
    - in viirtuemart configuration made sure shipping is set to none
    - in front end added product and went to cart
    - added the shipping coupon before selecting shipping, I now see it in cart with 0 discount
    - then selected the shipping and that shows fine

    In any case, glad you got it working properly

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     8 years ago

    Hello Seyi

    Unfortunately it doesn't work. I don't know where is the problem. In Awo Coupon or in OPC Rupostel. All I know two new versions of components don't cooperate with each other. I keep old version of OPC because problem there not exists.


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     8 years ago


    Sklep did you manage to get this working in latest OPC and AWO coupon pro, I'm following the topic since the start here and in Stan's forum.

    Did the suggested changed from Stan worked? https://www.rupostel.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1489&sid=7b64bc102ec4c186b852a1162ab4821d

    Planning on upgrading from Awocoupon starter to pro and wanna make sure there are no conflicts between both extensions.

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     8 years ago  last edited 7 years ago

    Hi Comenaranjas

    I introduced all changes which Stan proposed and I answered on Rupostel forum:

    Hi Stan

    Thank you for your effort.
    Now is much better because I don't get any error and discount is calculated but:
    1) at the order confirmation I can't see any discount information
    2) at the invoice I can't see discount information
    3) at the order in VM I don't have discount info and any info about coupon code which was used (I don't know which coupon was used)


    and I forgot to add that all changes I introduced were put in Awo component (https://www.rupostel.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1489&p=5070&sid=241ecb5c9b69cfb8cb99650a81873210#p5070)



    Please close ticket. New version is OK