I have successfully been able to configure the automatic discount when purchasing a certain amount of products. My problem is that this discount is not visible in the ajax cart popup after adding the last required product. Only after a page refresh the cart incorporates the coupon discount in the prices.
The automatic coupon code does load without the page refresh ($cart->couponCode) The actual discount ($cart->salesPriceCoupon) does only get loaded on a page refresh however. I assume this is more a VM issue than a AwoCoupon, however you might be able to get me in the right direction.
Best regards,
VM 2.0.18a
Joomla 2.5.8
The automatic coupon code does load without the page refresh ($cart->couponCode) The actual discount ($cart->salesPriceCoupon) does only get loaded on a page refresh however. I assume this is more a VM issue than a AwoCoupon, however you might be able to get me in the right direction.
Best regards,
VM 2.0.18a
Joomla 2.5.8