Coupon applicable to A,B,C but not D,E,F. How to do?

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     9 years ago

    Hi Seyi,

    I would like to know, if my $10 coupon is applicable to item A, B, C but not D, E, F, how can it be set as like $10 won't be deducting when my customers are purchasing item D, E, F?


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     9 years ago

    Hi Seyi,

    In my Black Friday sales, I have four packages, whereby purchasing package A, they will be entitled a $10 voucher and package B for a $5 voucher. These voucher can then be used to purchase package A,B,C but not D.

    At first, I log into Joommla administration > Components > AwoCoupon

    Then on the dash board tab, I choose Coupon > New

    At the dropdown menu, function type: Gift Certificate, then I generate the coupon code (let's say "couponcode1234") and at the "published" column I chose "template".

    After entering 10 at the value column, I have also add an asset - package D and tick exclude.

    After save and close, I go to "Gift certificate" at the dashboard tab > New > Product: Package A > Template: couponcode1234
    and filled in profile image, published and expiration.

    However, when I enter the "couponcode1234" on package D, it is still applicable even I have ticked excluded.

    I tried the mentioned steps above at dash board tab > Coupon > New > Dropdown: Coupon , filled in coupon code (lets say "couponcode4321", published, percent or amount, discount type, value and Asset: Package D with excluded ticked. Then the same I go to "Gift certificate" at the dashboard tab > New > Product: Package A > Template: couponcode4321 and filled in profile image, published and expiration.

    So this time when I enter the "couponcode4321" on package D, it is not applicable. This is what I want. But so far for my understanding, only function type (on the dashboard>coupon> new> drop down menu) which is gift certificate, the system will auto generate and send the coupon code via email to the customers but the function type (on the dashboard > coupon > new> drop down menu) which is coupon, the system will not auto generate and send coupon code via email to the customers. Am I correct?

    Please let me know the solution as soon as you can. What I want is the voucher code can be auto generated and email to the customers when the customers make his or her purchase and the voucher is not applicable to package D when he or she attempts to enter the code during purchasing on package D. Please let me know which function type can be use and how can the settings be set.

    Can I have the contact number of anyone who is able to answer my questions on this? I tried to dial +44 7507986836 but it stated that this number is not in service. Or you may also contact me at 60(4)371-2137. Either way is fine to me. Please let me know and please treat this matter with the utmost urgency.

    Thank you very much.

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     9 years ago


    If you create a 'coupon' or a 'gift certificate' as a template, it will be auto generated and emailed. The gift certificate functionality does not care what the coupon you created is. You can create any type of coupon AwoCoupon lets you create and use that as a template.

    The difference between 'coupon' and 'gift certificate' is gift certificate stores the usage.

    So if you have $10 gift certificate and use $4 in an order, you can come back and use the other $6 later.

    With a coupon,if you create it as:
    value: $10
    number of uses: 1

    Then customer uses $4 of the coupon, they cannot come back and use the remaining $6.

    The number you have for contact is correct and should not receive an out of service message.