Category Selection Doesn't Save & Coupon Not Founc

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     11 years ago


    I want to set up a coupon to give 20% off products in certain specified categories when the customer spends over £40. I have set AWO Coupon up with the following parameters:-

    Function Type: Coupon
    Function Type 2: Category
    Percent or Amount: Percent
    Discount Type: Specific
    Value: 20
    Minimum Value: Specific; 40

    I have selected 6 categories but when I click save, the result shows "All Categories" selected.

    When I try to use the coupon at the checkout, I get the error message, "Coupon code not found. Please try again."

    Can you tell me what is going wrong, please?
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     11 years ago


    I am not sure. Can you turn on debug mode in global configuration and try it again? You might have a mysql error.