Awocoupon 1.3.1 and Presta

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     9 years ago

    I installed your module on Prestashop, it does not work at all, only thing it does is displaying error messages when I enter wrong coupon code or try to apply coupon to order with too low amount. What I found is :
    1) you need to base 64 encode/decode while serializing/unserializing, as any quote or national character will make your module not working. This modification made it possible to apply coupon to order.
    2) entering national characters into error messages in your module does not work. When I enter them directly then after saving them I get question marks instead of them (??? => ???). When I enter them as entities and save them they show as letters (ąść => ???) and of course after second save they become question marks.
    3) Although I can now see discount in my cart I still cannot see it in BO, email or API.

    Did anyone have similar issues?
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     9 years ago


    Your errors seem very strange as I have not encounted them.

    1) Are you referring to the coupon code? Are you saying if you have special characters or quotes in the coupon code then it will not work any more? I have tested this on the demo site, You are right, quotes will not work in a coupon code, but special characters do. I created a coupon called ?????? and it works fine in the front end, please have a look.

    2) I also tested this on the demo site, went to awocoupon->configurations->error messages and added ??? => ??? into one of the descriptions. It does not later change to question marks. Please look in the databse at the collation of the table #__awocoupon_lang. This is where the error messages are saved to. The collation should be set to utf8.

    3) What do you mean by this? Are you saying you cannot see the coupons on the coupon list?

    Here is the demo site:
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     8 years ago

    You were right, changing tables encoding fixed some of problems (missing letters). Now I reinstalled awocoupon, but again module does not apply any discounts. I managed to modify your module so that I can apply discount in the cart, but still in orders got through API, in email notifications and in orders in back office there is no discount visible. Other thing is that I had to modify your overrides as I had some modifications before, but I just had to put your and my methods in one file (your methods are added, not modified).

    As I have it installed on my production site I do not want to make experiments there. Could you give me temporary license, so I could debug it on my local server? I would try to install all other modules step by step and remove my overrides modifications to find what causes the problem.

    PS: I am the same person as jz, I just was not aware that I can use the same account on forum and in your store.
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     8 years ago

    Please send me a private message with the url of your development website and I can add it to your license.