certificate design in the email

  • Default avatar
     10 years ago

    Can I customize certificates in the way it's possible with the plugin "Ko! Custom Gift Certificate".
    I read a lot but I can´t figure what is possible.
    Can I add the custom text onto the certificate picture?
    Is there a preview function in the frontend where the user can preview his certificate?
  • Your avatar
     10 years ago


    Not familiar with ko custom gift certificates, so not sure. You can customize the email and the image being used. It is much easier to see it in action by going to a demo:

    Go to awocoupon->tools->profiles and edit one.

    As for the front end, the customer cannot preview images. The image the customer sees is the image you upload into the gift certificate product within your store (virtuemart for example). ANd yes, the customer can add custom text into the gift certificate, but it will not be previewed.

    Let me know if you have any more questions.
  • Default avatar
     10 years ago

    Hello Seyi,
    thanks for the quick answer.
    Now it´s clear to me. That´s exactly what I need!
    I´ll buy the pro version :)