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  • Default avatar
     10 years ago

    I have instaled free version of AwoCoupon.
    Please let me know how final user have to know that have coupon?
    How to show coupon code, and coupon value in user account in Virtuemart/joomla frontend?
    Is there a possibility to send user information automaticlly about new/update coupon value?

    Thank you.

  • Your avatar
     10 years ago


    AwoCoupon does not really update the user when they have a coupon, it is really more in managing the coupon codes and making sure the correct discount is set. The marketing is really left up to the shop.

    In the free version you cannot view coupons in the user account, but in the pro this can happen if
    - a coupon is created and set to work for that specific user
    - the user purchases a gift certificate, this is also shown in the account

    And no, there is no way to send new coupons through AwoCoupon on its own. If you are using acymailing, then you could send coupons to customers using the acymailing plugin:

    There is also a referral and affiliate program