Customer payments are being processed correctly through Eway but no payment amount is being recorded in Virtuemart. The status is being changed correctly when a payment is successful so data is being received back from Eway. What do we need to do to record the payment amount?
No payment amount recorded
- Hello,
I am not sure I understand. What you mean it is not being recorded?
Have you looked directly in the way table to see what is being stored?
#__virtuemart_payment_plg_eway - In #__virtuemart_payment_plg_eway I can see the amount in eway_response_raw but I expected to see that payment amount posted to the Virtuemart_orders record. The order_payment amount and order_payment_tax fields remain empty.
- Hello,
Virtuemart does not actually have a paid field. In #__virtuemart_orders the columns:
- order_payment
- order_payment_tax
Are used if the customer is required to pay extra for using a specific payment method. It is not for payments made by the customer.
To see the payment data, view the order detail and it should be located next to the shipping information. - OK thanks Seyi. So Virtuemart doesn't actually record payment amounts it only infers them from the order status?
- That sounds strange, but yes I believe so. Payment records would be in the specific payment plugin tables. I am not the ultimate expert on Virtuemart though.
- Me either. This is the first and last site i will build with Virtuemart. Hikashop is so much friendlier, more flexible and powerful as well as having a more responsive forum. Really regret giving in to the client who has a friend who recommended Virtuemart to them.