After using a coupon to pay for 100% of item, the shopping cart does not empty.
Meaning if you use a coupon code for 100% of price (so item is free), the shopping cart should be empty after checkout.
However, it is still saying X.
For example, if you add $25 gift card to cart... and then purchase. It should be empty after, however, it still says $25 in cart.
I tested this using virtuemart internal coupon and shopping cart empties.
Meaning if you use a coupon code for 100% of price (so item is free), the shopping cart should be empty after checkout.
However, it is still saying X.
For example, if you add $25 gift card to cart... and then purchase. It should be empty after, however, it still says $25 in cart.
I tested this using virtuemart internal coupon and shopping cart empties.