Import template isn't complete

  • Default avatar
     12 years ago

    Ok, I have gone over this a 1000 times and all I can say is the template you provide in the admin section isn't complete. I need to import about 2000 coupon codes for radio special and I need it for 1 product for a 100% discount on the product itself for 1 time user per customer.

    I can't figure out where to put the product id's to include.


  • Your avatar
     12 years ago

    If I understand your coupon and if you are using the latest version (1.4.5) then columns Q and R.

    The best thing to do is create a coupon that mimics exactly what you want in the 2000 coupons then go to awocoupon->reports->coupon list and run the report, then export it to excel. You now have a template for importing.

    Also if you have the latest version of CSVI Pro, it now supports importing/exporting for AwoCoupon.
  • Default avatar
     12 years ago

    Any chance of a random generator coming soon so that we can skip imports? ;)

    It seems like a lot of marketing companies are brining various channels like radio and TV and they issue single use coupons so they can track who purchased what and for tracking so they can pay the retailer (my guys)..
  • Your avatar
     12 years ago

    It already exists, it was added in 1.4.3:

    If you have that version or higher, you can use that instead.
  • Default avatar
     12 years ago

    The instruction were in the help HTML file. Thanks!