Hi, I've just come across another issue with regards to a gift voucher value being higher that good + shipping totals
Subtotal (inc. VAT): £23.96
Total (inc. VAT): £23.96
VAT Included: £3.99
---- APPLY £50 voucher ----
Info: The Value of the Coupon is greater than the current Order Total, so the Coupon Value was temporarily set to £23.96
Subtotal (inc. VAT): £23.96
Coupon Discount: - £23.96
Total (inc. VAT): £0.00
VAT Included: £3.99
---- CHECKOUT ----
Subtotal (inc. VAT): £23.96
Coupon Discount: - £23.96
Total (inc. VAT): £0.00
VAT Included: £0.00
Note: because this is a Gift Certificate the VAT included should be £3.99
---- Select Shipping Method (Royal Mail with a Tax code of 0% as you can't claim vat on uk postage) ----
Subtotal (inc. VAT): £23.96
Shipping and Handling Fee: £4.41
Coupon Discount: - £28.37
Total (inc. VAT): £0.00
VAT Included: -£0.73
Note: Vat Included shows a negative amount of-£0.73 because it has applied the goods vat percent to the shipping total
Subtotal (inc. VAT): £23.96
Total (inc. VAT): £23.96
VAT Included: £3.99
---- APPLY £50 voucher ----
Info: The Value of the Coupon is greater than the current Order Total, so the Coupon Value was temporarily set to £23.96
Subtotal (inc. VAT): £23.96
Coupon Discount: - £23.96
Total (inc. VAT): £0.00
VAT Included: £3.99
---- CHECKOUT ----
Subtotal (inc. VAT): £23.96
Coupon Discount: - £23.96
Total (inc. VAT): £0.00
VAT Included: £0.00
Note: because this is a Gift Certificate the VAT included should be £3.99
---- Select Shipping Method (Royal Mail with a Tax code of 0% as you can't claim vat on uk postage) ----
Subtotal (inc. VAT): £23.96
Shipping and Handling Fee: £4.41
Coupon Discount: - £28.37
Total (inc. VAT): £0.00
VAT Included: -£0.73
Note: Vat Included shows a negative amount of-£0.73 because it has applied the goods vat percent to the shipping total