Sponsorship component

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     13 years ago

    Hey Seyi,,

    It's been a while, how are you ?!

    Here is a suggestion for a functionality that still does not exists in the virtuemart environment, but seems very basic for eCommerce activity : sponsorship.

    Description :

    1- a client access it's account on the website and has access on a new page : sponsorship.
    On this page, he can enter several mails from friends :
    - this emails are recorded on a new db table with its user_id
    - the friends receive a mail suggesting them to by on the website
    - these mails could contain a coupon (optional)

    2- when one of this friend passes on order (payment confirmed) on the website, the sponsor receives a mail with an AWO coupon (% or €). The coupon will also been seeable on its sponsorship page.
    I image a plugin that compares when order passes to confirmed the email of the order and the db table : if present then coupon created.

    On coupon created per person of course. (if someone sponsored passes 10 orders, just one coupon after first :) )

    Coupons are created automaticaly

    What do you think about this ?
    It could be great.
    In France we call it "parrainage". It's how website like "http://pressroom.vente-privee.com/sitecore/content/PR/Home.aspx?sc_lang=en-GB" has been launched !

    Thanks in advance for your reply