A Virtuemart website has a number of single use coupons created. The coupons are applying their discount to the order in the checkout correctly, but as far as I can tell the information is not being recorded correctly in the database.
In the _vm_orders table the coupon code is correctly recorded in the coupon_code column, but in most cases the coupon_discount is being recorded as 0, even though the discount has been deducted from the order. For those orders there is no Coupon Discount row in the order when viewed in the administrator, it is just 'invisibly' deducted between the subtotal and total.
No entry for the coupon is made in the _awocoupon_user_uses table for orders where the discount is recorded as 0.
There were some problems in the awo coupon installation check, they have been fixed so that everything shows as installed. Before they were fixed coupons were sometimes redeemed correctly. Fixing them has made no apparent difference.
Coupons have been created as:
Function type: coupon
function type 2: product
number of uses: total 1
I can see no difference between a coupon or order that has been redeemed correctly and one that has not.
Any ideas?
In the _vm_orders table the coupon code is correctly recorded in the coupon_code column, but in most cases the coupon_discount is being recorded as 0, even though the discount has been deducted from the order. For those orders there is no Coupon Discount row in the order when viewed in the administrator, it is just 'invisibly' deducted between the subtotal and total.
No entry for the coupon is made in the _awocoupon_user_uses table for orders where the discount is recorded as 0.
There were some problems in the awo coupon installation check, they have been fixed so that everything shows as installed. Before they were fixed coupons were sometimes redeemed correctly. Fixing them has made no apparent difference.
Coupons have been created as:
Function type: coupon
function type 2: product
number of uses: total 1
I can see no difference between a coupon or order that has been redeemed correctly and one that has not.
Any ideas?