Hi Seyi,
I'm having the same issue with this Paypal stuff.
I do not really want to loose the extra PayPal information. With my code, when the user is on the PayPall checkout site, there are detailed info about the ordered products, like: color, product's details etc.
So I do not want to switch back to the standard PayPal code.
Should you please investigating, what is the problem?
My code is (WITH the extra PayPal infos)
$url = "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr";
$order_id = $db->f("order_id");
$tax_total = $db->f("order_tax") + $db->f("order_shipping_tax");
$discount_total = $db->f("coupon_discount") + $db->f("order_discount");
// Query for Order Items
$dboi = new ps_DB;
$q_oi = "SELECT * FROM #__vm_order_item ";
$q_oi .= "WHERE #__vm_order_item.order_id='$order_id'";
$row_num = $dboi->num_rows();
//Getting Cart Items
$auth = $_SESSION['auth'];
$cart = $_SESSION['cart'];
$t_quantity = 0;
$disc_perItem = 0;
// Query to get User Info
$dbb = new ps_DB;
$q = "SELECT * FROM #__vm_user_info ";
$q .= "WHERE user_id ='".$my->id."' ";
//logic for applying discounts to multiple items
$discount_totalCP = $db->f("coupon_discount") + $db->f("order_discount");
while($dboi->next_record()) {
$t_quantity = $t_quantity + intval($dboi->f("product_quantity"));
$dboi = null;
$dboi = new ps_DB;
if($t_quantity > 0)
if($discount_totalCP > 0) {
$disc_perItem = round($discount_totalCP / $t_quantity, 2);
else {
$disc_perItem = 0;
else {
$disc_perItem = 0;
//query to optain product attributes
while($dboi->next_record()) {
$prod_attrib = $dboi->f("product_attribute");
$supp_var['item_name_' . $i] = strip_tags("Order #". $db->f("order_id").": ". $dboi->f("order_item_name"));
if($prod_attrib > ''){
$attributes_array = explode('<br/>',$prod_attrib);
$v = 0;
$z = 1;
foreach ( $attributes_array as $attributes_value){
$attrib_name = trim(substr($attributes_value, 0, strpos($attributes_value, ':')), " ");
$supp_var['on' . $z . '_' . $i] = $attrib_name;
$attrib_sel = trim(substr_replace(substr_replace($attributes_value, "", 0, strrpos($attributes_value, ':')), "", 0, 2));
$supp_var['os' . $z . '_' . $i] = $attrib_sel;
$supp_var['item_number_' . $i] = $dboi->f("order_item_sku");
$supp_var['quantity_' . $i] = $dboi->f("product_quantity");
$supp_var['amount_' . $i] = round(($dboi->f("product_item_price") - $disc_perItem),0);
//Query used to find whether to use Bill Address or Ship to address
$dboui = new ps_DB;
$q_oui = "SELECT * FROM #__vm_order_user_info ";
$q_oui .= "WHERE #__vm_order_user_info.order_id='$order_id' ORDER BY #__vm_order_user_info.order_info_id DESC";
/*$oui_id = $dboui->f("order_info_id");
if($oui_id == $order_id){
$first_name = $dbb->f("first_name");
$last_name = $dbb->f("last_name");
$address1 = $dbb->f("address_1");
$address2 = $dbb->f("address_2");
$city = $dbb->f("city");
$state = $dbb->f("state");
$address_country = $dbbt->f("country");
$zip = $dbb->f("zip");
$H_PhoneNumber = $dbb->f("phone_1");
else {*/
$first_name = $dboui->f("first_name");
$last_name = $dboui->f("last_name");
$address1 = $dboui->f("address_1");
$address2 = $dboui->f("address_2");
$city = $dboui->f("city");
$state = $dboui->f("state");
$address_country = $dboui->f("country");
$zip = $dboui->f("zip");
$H_PhoneNumber = $dboui->f("phone_1");
// Builds array for the form
$post_variables = Array(
"cmd" => "_cart",
"upload" => "1",
"page_style" => "paypal",
"business" => PAYPAL_EMAIL,
"currency_code" => $_SESSION['vendor_currency'],
//"amount" => round( $db->f("order_subtotal")+$tax_total-$discount_total, 0),
"amount" => round( $db->f("order_total")-$db->f("order_shipping")-$db->f("order_shipping_tax"), 2),
"handling_cart" => sprintf("%.2f", $db->f("order_shipping")),
"tax" => round($tax_total, 0),
"tax_cart" => round($tax_total, 0),
"invoice" => $db->f("order_number"),
"image_url" => $vendor_image_url,
"return" => SECUREURL ."index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=checkout.result&order_id=".$db->f("order_id"),
"notify_url" => SECUREURL ."administrator/components/com_virtuemart/notify.php",
"cancel_return" => SECUREURL ."index.php",
"no_shipping" => "1",
"no_note" => "1",
"email" => $dbb->f("user_email"),
"address_override" => "1",//change this to 0 if you have - Paypal does not allow your country of residence to ship to the country you wish to - errors
"first_name" => $first_name,
"last_name" => $last_name,
"address1" => $address1,
"address2" => $address2,
"city" => $city,
"state" => $state,
"country" => $address_country,
"zip" => $zip,
"night_phone_b" => $H_PhoneNumber,
'charset' => 'utf-8',
//add and send the new variables
if( $page == "checkout.thankyou" ) {
$query_string = "?";
foreach( $post_variables as $name => $value ) {
$query_string .= $name. "=" . urlencode($value) ."&";
if(is_array($supp_var) && count($supp_var)) {
foreach($supp_var as $name => $value) {
$query_string .= $name. "=" . urlencode($value) ."&";
vmRedirect( $url . $query_string );
else {
echo '<form action="'.$url.'" method="post" target="_blank">';
foreach( $post_variables as $name => $value ) {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="'.$name.'" value="'.$value.'" />';
if(is_array($supp_var) && count($supp_var)) {
foreach($supp_var as $name => $value) {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="'.$name.'" value="'.$value.'" />';
echo '<input type="image" name="submit" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-but6.gif" border="0" alt="Fizess PayPal-al, gyors, ingyenes, és biztonságos!">';
//Change the above image url for different languages and countries
echo '</form>';