Is it possible to automatically activate a discount coupon when the subtotal of the cart exceed a set amount ?
Apply discount on set amount
- it is, by setting the minimum value to the amount you want it to activate.
- is it possible to have the minimum value as the subtotal/before tax amount?
- it can be altered, but then it would be for every coupon code, is that what you want?
- yeah, that would be perfect if you could let me know how to do that. Excellent Component by the way!
- Glad you like. Ok, here is the update, using pro version 1.3.4
in www/administrator/components/com_awocoupon/assets/virtuemart/ps_coupon_process.php, around line 304, change this<?php
if (!empty($coupon_row->min_value) && round($d['total'],2)<$coupon_row->min_value) {
//if (!empty($coupon_row->min_value) && round($d['total'],2)<$coupon_row->min_value) {
if (!empty($coupon_row->min_value) && round($d['order_subtotal_withtax']-$d['order_tax'],2)<$coupon_row->min_value) {
?> - Worked like a charm! Thanks a lot.