Extending Features

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     14 years ago


    First of all, I must say CONGRATULATIONS!!! this is an amazing feature, and as you stated, there is a void at VirtueMart that no one cares about, maybe this is the main reason of why we never use coupons.

    Far as I read and tested, your magnificent code solves most of the situations we face everyday. Now I have a challenge and hope you can point me at the right direction I do not want to dirtub you and the least I expected is that you solve entirely the issue, I just want you to give me some piece of advice.

    At my site we are going to make a campaing that consists of the following:

    1) We have 100 products, but we will focus on 3 products: Product A normal price 10, Product B normal price 15, Product C normal price 20.
    2) If an user registers himself with an specific domain at his mail address like dev.com, a coupon will be generated that can only be used once and it only applies to any of those products (A,B and C) and the discount applied will be of minus 5 and only applies on 1 item, I mean:

    User 1 registers with: user@dev.com, the coupon code will the mail address, and he can only buy 1 item of the 3 products previously mentioned, for example he chooses Product C. When he inserts the coupon code it will be applied to product C and the new price will be 15.

    I don´t know if I could explain myself, but the main issue will be generating a coupon when user registers, maybe this will be a great add on.

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     14 years ago

    Hmm, thanks for the feedback. When I initially created this component, i was trying to stay away from auto generated coupon codes, since it is already out there. Maybe if more request it, I will look into it. As for you, there is already a component that generates coupon codes, gwcoupons for virtuemart. Unfortnunately it will not work with awocoupon. So you could only use one or the other. What you described can be custom coded. If you are interested in going in that direction, please pm me.