No Extra Payment Method!

  • Default avatar
     13 years ago

    Hey everybody,

    I am having a slight issue with my client's site Here is what is going on: The client purchased a $50 gift certificate and everything worked perfectly (he received the unique coupon code without any problems). However, when he used the gift certificate to order a product that cost $49.95 + $9.46 s&h, the total became $9.41 ($59.41 - $50). This is fine, but virtuemart is not asking for an additional payment method to cover the remaining $9.41.

    Has anybody else seen this issue? If so, would you mind pointing me in the right direction to resolve it.

    I will be glad to provide login information if needed.

  • Your avatar
     13 years ago

    Hi Adam,

    So what is happening? Is the order finishing without asking for the remaining total, or is it hanging somehow?

    Also do normal coupon codes work correctly? If for example you have a 20% discount coupon, does it ask for the 80% remaining?
  • Default avatar
     13 years ago


    I created a normal coupon for 20% and went through the checkout process. Everything seemed to work fine. It discounted the item, then asked me to choose shipping and to also choose a method for payment for the remaining amount.

    However, when using an AwoCoupon Gift Certificate, when there is more payment that needs to be made after the gift certificate code has been entered, then it does not ask me to enter a payment method.... when I click "Confirm Order", I receive an error that says, "Error: Please select a Payment Method." So, to answer your question: The order is getting hung up.

    Please advise.

  • Default avatar
     13 years ago

    Has nobody else had this same issue? I still cannot pinpoint the problem. It is becoming a serious issue because customers cannot complete their payment after using a gift certificate.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

  • Your avatar
     13 years ago

    Ok, I hope this helps. In ps_checkout.php in function list_payment_methods, there is this section
    // Redirect to the last step when there's only one payment method
        if (
    $count <= && $cc_payments==false) {
    vmRedirect($sess->url(SECUREURL.basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])."?page=checkout.index&payment_method_id=$first_payment_method_id&ship_to_info_id=$ship_to_info_id&shipping_rate_id=".urlencode($shipping_rate_id)."&checkout_stage=".$VM_CHECKOUT_MODULES['CHECK_OUT_GET_FINAL_CONFIRMATION']['order'], falsefalse ),"");
        elseif( isset(
    $order_total) && $order_total <= 0.00 ) {
    // In case the order total is less than or equal zero, we don't need a payment method
    vmRedirect($sess->url(SECUREURL.basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])."?page=checkout.index&ship_to_info_id=$ship_to_info_id&shipping_rate_id=".urlencode($shipping_rate_id)."&checkout_stage=".$VM_CHECKOUT_MODULES['CHECK_OUT_GET_FINAL_CONFIRMATION']['order'], falsefalse),"");

    I think in the second condition, it sees the order total as 0 and forwards to the confirmation page. I would try putting some debug statements there to see if that is the problem and then maybe you can work backwards to find the root.
  • Default avatar
     13 years ago


    Thank you for taking the time to look into this for me. However, I am a PHP beginner at best. Can you give some guidance on how I should go about debugging the issue? If hiring a PHP expert is the answer, then please let me know your hourly rate.

    Thank you very much.
