I was upgrading from 2.4.5
I executed the statement, when I install the upgrade again I get this message:
Duplicate column name 'idlang_email_subject' SQL=ALTER TABLE #__awocoupon_profile CHANGE email_subject_lang_id idlang_email_subject INT
Also, I forgot to mention yesterday, when I click on 'Coupons' from the main component menu I get this error:
1054-Unknown column 'c.upc' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT c.id,c.coupon_code,c.num_of_uses_total,c.num_of_uses_customer,c.coupon_value_type, c.coupon_value,c.coupon_value_def,c.upc, c.min_value,c.discount_type,c.user_type,c.function_type,c.startdate,c.expiration,c.order_id,c.published, 0 as usercount,0 as asset1count,0 as asset2count,c.exclude_giftcert,c.note, c.parent_type,c.params, GROUP_CONCAT(t.tag separator ", ") as coupon_tags FROM #__awocoupon c LEFT JOIN #__awocoupon_tag t ON t.coupon_id=c.id WHERE estore="virtuemart" GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY c.coupon_code LIMIT 0, 20
When I add the column 'upc' to the table, the message disappears. But I don't think this is the correct way.
However, when clicking New->coupon it all seems to work fine.