Coupons no longer working. Coupon code won't save in shopping cart.

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     10 years ago


    My client is using:

    Joomla 2.5.14
    AwoCoupon Virtuemart 2.0.15 (just upgraded from 2.0.11 to see if it solved the problem but it didn't)
    Virtuemart 2.0.24

    A few weeks back, we were able to happily set up a new coupon code (% discount on products only over all products) and it worked. That coupon now expired and deleted given I've upgraded the extension in trying to solve the problem.

    The issue is that whilst we can set up a coupon in the backend, the front end will simply no save that coupon to the shopping cart.

    What happens is:

    1) You add product/s to your shopping cart
    2) Click View Shopping Cart
    3) Enter a coupon code and click Save
    4) Cart immediately goes to the screen where you login or add billing info... on the top right, cart total is still normal total without coupon code applied.
    5) And from there, it ignores any request to save the code.

    Any idea on what might have caused it to stop working? The only other thing we've been playing with in the last few weeks is SEO having installed ACESef 4.1.3.

    The issue seems to be a cookie/cart/checkout flow issue.


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     9 years ago


    Just tested Virtuemart 2.0.24 and AwoCoupon 2.0.15, and there are no problems I can see.

    Are you using some type of checkout extension? If so disable it and try it again.

    If that is not it, then try disabling acesef temporarily and trying the coupon to see if that is the problem.