Bug - Request Coupon Payout

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     a month ago

    Joomla 4.4.10
    VirtueMart 4.4.4 11101

    • If i go to:
      Request Coupon Payment /administrator/index.php?option=com_aworewards#/aworewards/coupon
      And create 2 coupons
      1 - with piont 20
      2 - with point 50
    • After go to config:
      Coupon Payout (Request)
    • After go to website frontend: https://demo.awocoupon.com/aworewards/credit-history
      And click on Request Coupon Payment

      Awo create coupon but with value 1 or 2... But correct value of coupon is 20 or 50

      Can you fix this or you want send demo site to show this bug?

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     a month ago


    I am finding it hard to follow.

    There are 2 types of payout:

    You can create custom coupons, for example percentage coupons, and set a value of points that will be deducted for generating that coupon.  That can be found in "Request coupon payment" screen
      - any coupons created here will be generated as you set them up, the value of the coupon is not updated.

    The other option is to have the customer request a coupon based on the points they have.  You setup a ratio of how many points convert to 1 of your currency.  If for example you set the ration to 20, and a customer has 500 points, they would receive a coupon with 500/20, 25.  This can be setup in aworewards > configuration > Coupon Payout (Request)
      - in this case, if a customer requests this option, the value of the coupon will be changed to reflect the calculated coupon value
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     a month ago  last edited a month ago

    Watch demo: i think there is bug:

    login: ...
    pass: ...

    Coupon - 7
    Coupon - 10

    After go here:
    But system generate me coupon in payment history with collumn paid: 7 but in here:


    Value of coupon is only 1...

    What is wrong?

  • Default avatar
     a month ago

    Only what is ok is: Convert all points to a coupon
    If you use it system generate gift certificate with 20 Amount value (because in config is Maximum Payout Amount: 20)
    But other options generate only 1 amount value gift certificate:

    <select name="payout_coupon">
    <option value=""></option>
    <option value="1">7</option>
    <option value="2">10</option>
    <option value="all">Convert all points to a coupon</option>
  • Your avatar
     a month ago


    Yes that is exactly correct.

    Only the last option will convert points into a coupon.  The other options you setup in "Request coupon payment", /administrator/index.php?option=com_aworewards#/aworewards/coupon.

    Any coupons setup on that page will not change the value of the gift certificate, that is what the last option is for.  Coupons added to that page will be generated as is.  This allows you to use for example percentage coupons.  You could for instance create a coupon with 20% on a specific category and allow users to get that coupon for a specific amount of points that you setup.  Understand?
  • Default avatar
     a month ago

    I understand what you write:

    But you have this in config:
    Coupon Calculation:
    Convert points to amount total - mean points will be convert to amount with config option - Points to Amount Ratio: 1. That means that 200 points generate 200 amount value coupon.
    Coupon as is - mean covert points to coupon and use coupon template amount value. 200 points covert to amount what is config in coupon template and ignore.

    Points to Amount Ratio:

    Example: entering 5 will mean every 5 points equals 1 of your default currency. Entering 0.5 means every point equals 2 of your default currency. If set to 0 or blank a 1 to 1 ratio is used.

    That is correct behaviour or am i mistake?

  • Your avatar
     a month ago


    So you are correct for "convert point to amount total".

    For "coupon as is", it does generate the coupon as is, and it takes the minimum amount field as your points.  So for exmaple:

    Points to amount ratio: 5
    Minimum amount payout: 5
    For coupon as is, 5*5 = 25 points will be deducted

    Points to amount ratio: 1
    Minimum amount payout: 3
    For coupon as is, 1*3 = 3 points will be deducted

  • Default avatar
     a month ago

    I understand but why convert point to amount total not work with (Request Coupon Payment)
    Coupon - 7
    7 points dont convert to 7 amount coupon code with amount ratio 1

    Can you see my demo and watch what i mean...
    convert point to amount total work:
    <select name="payout_coupon">
     <option value=""></option>
    <option value="1">7</option> - create coupon with amount 1 (correct is 7)
    <option value="2">10</option> - create coupon with amount 1 (correct is 10)
    <option value="all">Convert all points to a coupon</option> - convert 600 points to coupon with amount 600

    So you config work difference in one POST FORM.
  • Your avatar
     a month ago


    I just tested it, works fine unless I misunderstand your question.

    This is the correct behavior:

    7: uses 7 points, does no change the coupon amount
    10: uses 10 points, does not change the coupon amount
    Convert all points: uses all points, and this is the only option that does change the coupon amount

    For 7 and 10, if you want them to have different amounts, use different coupon templates and set the amount you want for the coupon templates.

  • Default avatar
     a month ago

    For 7 and 10, if you want them to have different amounts, use different coupon templates and set the amount you want for the coupon templates.

    OK, now i undderstand that is desired behavior.

    So i create more templates for coupon thank you for your time.