[Prestashop] Problem with Buy X and Gey Y and free shipping

  • Default avatar
     3 months ago

    I have created a copuon with the Buy X and Gey Y function but I have a problem.
    I get free shipping from 49 euro.
    See the video and you can see that it adds product Y to me and then removes the price but even if the cart cost is over 49 euro it applies the shipping cost to me, why?

  • Default avatar
     3 months ago

    Hi, sorry to insist but I should go online with the site on Monday.
    Do you have any news?
    thanks a lot
  • Your avatar
     3 months ago


    As previously mentioned on private message, there is a conflict with another extension you are using.  If you comment out or disable the override of function getProducts in Cart.php, then it works fine.
  • Default avatar
     3 months ago

    I have already deactivated the other override and in fact the shipping problem has been solved but the automatic problem has not.
  • Your avatar
     3 months ago

    Ok, took a look.  As you are using a newer version of Prestashop it is important you use a newer version of the overrides.  I have done this previously on this site, but seems to keep reverting back to an older version.  So I leave it for you to do this time.

    The override you need to update:
     - override/classes/Cart.php

    The file to update it with:
     - modules/awocoupon/helper/override/80/classes/Cart.php

    Once you do this, the free shipping should work.

  • Default avatar
     3 months ago

    Hi, sorry for the delay but I tried but it still doesn't work :(
    Shipping is free over 49 euro, if I put a 49 euro product and then apply the discount it keeps giving me free shipping :(
    What can I do?