Create coupon for coupon payment by click from customer

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    Minion Interactive    
     10 months ago


    My client told me that he read the documentation and it is possible to do this:

    - The customer buys in the e-shop and earns points

    - Somewhere (for example in the basket or on his account) he decides that he now wants to pay for the purchase using the earned points

    - he chooses the number of points he wants to spend and clicks to generate a coupon

    - put this coupon in the cart and get a discount

    I'm not sure there is a function: choose the number of points, click and generate a coupon

    Can you please direct me how to set it up in the administration?

    Maybe manual coupon payment?



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    Minion Interactive    
     10 months ago  last edited 10 months ago

    Hi, sorry for my question :)

    So, I tryied setup something in config:

    - I will make an order and comply with the rules (10% of the total amount of the order without shipping for the teacher customer group 15% => here 380 points)

    - points will be added to me (380 points here)

    - I have created a coupon template in the AwoCoupon app

    - I have created an email template in AwoCoupon with changes to an email for Coupon Payout Request

    - in the Coupon Payout Request, I have set the rules for creating a coupon and what email is sent (here, for example, I set that the requests are for 100 and 200 points)

    - on the AwoRewards / Credit History tab, if I have more than 100 points (set in config), a section for sending an email request to create a coupon will appear (here I see the rules for 100, 200 and all points)

    - after sending the email, a coupon is automatically generated and saved in the AwoRewards / Payment History tab (here the coupon is wL5rDb3azY)

    - in the next order, I can add this coupon to the basket and apply the discount

    I think for customers is better find button for generate Coupon Payout Request in the Cart.

    Maybe as plugin?

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     10 months ago


    So if I understand, you have it working.

    As for the question, there is a module called "AwoRewards Points" that you can place on your site and use to convert the coupon code