Ok, to get this to work, you will need a few changes.
In the file:
/administrator/components/com_awocoupon/awocoupon/library/class-awocoupon-library-giftcert.php, around line 134 is this:
$price = AC()->coupon->get_coupon_pricedisplay( $coupon_row );
After that add this:
if ( in_array( $coupon_row->coupon_value_type, array( 'amount', 'amount_per' ) ) && in_array( $row->price_calc_type, [ 'product_price_notax', 'product_price' ] ) && isset( $row->{$row->price_calc_type} ) ) {
$price = AC()->storecurrency->format( $row->{$row->price_calc_type}, $row->currency_id );
And around line 208 is this:
$row['coupon_row']->coupon_price = AC()->coupon->get_coupon_pricedisplay( $row['coupon_row'] );
Change that line to
$row['coupon_row']->coupon_price = $row['price'];
And around line 390 is this:
$price = AC()->coupon->get_coupon_pricedisplay( $row );
Change that to this
$price = AC()->coupon->get_coupon_pricedisplay( $coupon_row );
if ( in_array( $coupon_row->coupon_value_type, array( 'amount', 'amount_per' ) ) && in_array( $row->price_calc_type, [ 'product_price_notax', 'product_price' ] ) && isset( $row->{$row->price_calc_type} ) ) {
$price = AC()->storecurrency->format( $row->{$row->price_calc_type}, $row->currency_id );
I believe that should do it. Please note this is untested, to run some tests and verify.