rules ordering

  • Default avatar
     4 years ago


    how about if coupon generate based on total order amount for next order.
    order amount 1~100 get 1%
    order amount 101~300 get 2%
    order amount 301~500 get 3%

    so I create 3 coupon template 1%; 2%; 3% in Coupon;
    in rewards:  min order total =1 ; 101; 301 (empty "min order total" in coupon template)

    it doesn't work, only generate 1% coupon, but I can't find are there any Parent group and setting Ordering for it,  please help

    thank you

  • Your avatar
     4 years ago  last edited 4 years ago


    As you gave me access to your admin section I had a look.  You currently have

    4% rule with no order total
    3% rule with 301.00 order total
    2% rule with 101.00 order total
    1% rule with 1,00 order total

    I assume you want to order from highest discount to lowest, as shown above.  The problem with the above is you left the order total in 4% blank.  So if this is the first rule, this rule will always be used.

    The ordering of the rules can be found when you edit a rule.  There is an "Ordering" dropdown box.  You select the item you want to be ordered after.  I already went ahead and ordered the items as above.  Right now everything gets caught by 4% so please add the minimum order total.