Can more than one rules work at same times

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     3 years ago

    Dear sir,

    will it work if more than one rules happen at same time:
    1) customer gain points thru "order" (I tried it work perfectly)
    2) customer gain and received certain % discount voucher based on "order" amount. (when add 2nd rules no response), could it be wrong setting.

    thank you

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     3 years ago


    This is directly from the documentation:

    It is very important to pay attention to ordering of the rules in cases where you have more than one rule of the same type for the same customer type. If you have more than one rule for the same scenario, only one rule will apply - the first one in the order. For example, if you create 2 rules for rewarding any customer after completing an order, the rule number 1 will be applied, without looking at the rule number 2. However, if the number one doesn't apply, say due to minimum spend amount not met, the system looks at the next rule in order.
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     3 years ago

    Hi Seyi,

    I like your products very much, I bought it planning to have following features:

    (1) Customer bought product reward with points based Shopper Group.

    (2) Reward (%) discount voucher based on current spend for next purchase.

    (3) Reward with bonus point for Gift Certificate bought.

    I tried setup for (1) (2) (3) it work individually perfect for me, BUT it work only for one rules for each order. 

    Are there any possibility to make all rules work in different scenario. if not it can only either collect points (1) or give discount voucher (2).

    please give me your suggestion.

  • Your avatar
     3 years ago

    Ok, it is limited to 1, but if you want to run all order rules you create, you can, just with a small update to the code.  See if this works for you:
    in the file www/administrator/components/com_aworewards/aworewards/library/class-aworewards-library-reward.php, around the line 325 is this:

    if ( $_type != 'product_affiliate' ) {

    Delete it or comment it out
    //if ( $_type != 'product_affiliate' ) {
                //    break;

    That should run every order rule that is eligible.
  • Default avatar
     3 years ago

    Hi Seyi,

    thank you for your prompt response, our (1), (3) already solved, after apply to above changing;

    (2) Reward (%) discount voucher based on current spend for next purchase.

    Coupon 1% : 1~100

    Coupon 2% : 101~300

    Coupon 3% : 301~500

    Coupon 4% : 501~1000

    Coupon 5% : 1001~1500

    Coupon 6% : 1501~2000

    Coupon 7% : 2501~

    COUPON setting :

    1% Discount  ; status : template ; value : percent : 1 ;

    2% Discount  ; status : template ; value : percent : 2 ; 


    7% Discount  ; status : template ; value : percent : 7 ; 

    REWARDS Rules setting :

    1% Discount  ; Rule Type : Order ; Min Order Total Type : Per Order ; Min Order Total : 1;  Coupon Type: AWO Coupon ; C. Tempt : 1% Disc ;

    2% Discount  ; Rule Type : Order ; Min Order Total Type : Per Order ; Min Order Total : 101;  Coupon Type: AWO Coupon ; C. Tempt : 2% Disc ; 

    3% Discount  ; Rule Type : Order ; Min Order Total Type : Per Order ; Min Order Total : 301;  Coupon Type: AWO Coupon ; C. Tempt : 3% Disc ;

    4% Discount  ; Rule Type : Order ; Min Order Total Type : Per Order ; Min Order Total : 501;  Coupon Type: AWO Coupon ; C. Tempt : 4% Disc;

    5% Discount  ; Rule Type : Order ; Min Order Total Type : Per Order ; Min Order Total : 1001;  Coupon Type: AWO Coupon ; C. Tempt : 5% Disc ; 

    6% Discount  ; Rule Type : Order ; Min Order Total Type : Per Order ; Min Order Total : 1501;  Coupon Type: AWO Coupon ; C. Tempt : 6% Disc ;  

    7% Discount  ; Rule Type : Order ; Min Order Total Type : Per Order ; Min Order Total : 2501;  Coupon Type: AWO Coupon ; C. Tempt : 7% Disc ; 

    Result Sample:

    Order 1000, Instead of receive Instead of Coupon 4%; It send 4 Coupons (Coupon 4% ; Coupon 3%; Coupon 2%; Coupon 1%;)

    Please advice and thank you

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     3 years ago


    I am sorry you are trying to do the impossible within AwoRewards.

    You create rules A, B, C, D, and E.

    Where it runs rules A and B and ( C or D or E ).  It is just not created to work like this, you would have to customize it.