AWO Coupon (for Wordpress) - Need to send coupon code to admin

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     5 years ago


    I'm using AWO Coupon for Wordpress.

    Is there a way that when a customer buys an AWOCoupon product, that the email notification to the admin will include the coupon/gift certificate number in the email?

    On my setup, the email notificaiton doesn't include the coupon/gift certificate number, and my client has to look at the AWO Coupon reports to see the purchased coupon codes.

    Is there a way to do this?



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     5 years ago


    How is the admin receiving the email?  Is he/she being bcc'd when the customer gets their email?  In the normal email template, you can use the {vouchers} tag to show the coupon codes.

    Or you could set the admin up as a vendor:  awocoupon > tools > gift certificate products > new/edit and update the vendor section.
    Then in awocoupon > awocoupon > configuration > gift certificate tab, you can setup the vendor email, again with the {vouchers} tag.

    Note, in both email templates and vendor email, the {vouchers} tag has a vouchers field.  If this is blank, then it will not print anything.

    By default the email template vouchers field contains:
    Gift Certificate: {voucher}<br />Value: {price}{expiration_text}<br /><br />

    And the vendor email vouchers field contains:
    <div>{voucher} - {price} - {product_name}</div>