I purchased the component about a year ago, and didn't get it quite configured for Virtuemart. I have been developing an eShop to replace VM, and was delighted to see your comment in the eShop forum about 10 days ago that the component is compatible. I just made a switch in the configuration to eShop and set up some gift certificates.
On the creation side, all is working well; the voucher sends (although admin doesn't receive a bcc copy of it and I'm not sure if the purchaser does either) - but the customer does.
Trying to redeem the gift voucher is a problem.
If entered in the eShop Voucher field, there is a 'Voucher does not exist' error message.
If entered in the eShop Coupon field an internal server error arises that seems to raise css / template issues - I can attach screenshots of this for you if it is necessary; I tried both fields because I wasn't sure which one eShop checkout chooses to use for the code from AWOCoupon.
Also, trying to edit the coupon (Gift Voucher) templates leaves me with the spinning wheel. I thought it may need a new installation, I downloaded and reinstalled it over the old installation, also with the update yesterday. (I had previously tried to create 2 VM coupons - one a gift voucher template, so deleted those 2 but it still persists with the new ones I've added subsequent to reinstalling the latest update over the original installation.)
I'm not sure if I haven't configured it correctly, or whether there are any VM plugins that ought to be disabled now that it is configured for eShop? Should it be completely uninstalled and installed again?
My subscription comes up for renewal later this month and I would very much like to get this working properly.
Thanks very much,