Where can I find existing language files for AWOReferral and other AWO products?
Language Files
- Hello,
Did you mean aworewards? The language files are where the joomla language files reside:
- for admin: www/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_aworewards.ini
- for site: www/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_aworewards.ini
You can also override the language through admin in extensions->language manager->override tab - Hmm, not sure about override, as far as I understand the language files needs to be translated.
I guess you already have a lot of customers in foreign languges, are there any existing languange files to download or do you expect customers to translate all ? - Hello,
I can add language files if they are turned in, but customers do not tend to do that. The only language file apart from English currently is Spanish. - Ok ,thanks. I would apreciate to get that. In fact I need Portuguese but at least it will help to get started...
In fact several extensions developers offer a free license for those which translate a component/extension and this is a win win situation as for you it may open a large new market... - Hi, in the zipped download, you can find the files in: