Hello Seyi,
I have deleted all #_awocoupon_vm tables in the database, and manually updated AwoCoupon followed your instruction.
But it looks like it didn't automatically update the database as expected.
Now I can see the Awocoupon user interface, and configuration, installation check, subscription, about panel are work as it should.
However, the dashboard, coupon... etc panels are showing loading icon forever.
I checked the consol panel and there's 500 error msg:
GET /administrator/index.php?option=com_awocoupon&tmpl=component&no_html=1&ajax=yes&type=admin&view=dashboard&urlx=%2Fadministrator%2Findex.php%3Foption%3Dcom_awocoupon%23%2Fawocoupon%2F&cache=23180849 500
In the meantime, I also update the AwoReward and it runs perfectly.
AwoReward updated successfully, and it automatically updated the database when I go to rules panel.
Thank you for your kindly support.