Discount applied to products in excluded categories & VAT calculated wrongly

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     5 years ago


    We set up a 40% discount for all items excluding those in category X. Out client bought two products: product A from category Y (which is not excluded from the discount) and product B from category X.

    The price of product A is 36.95. The price of product B is 0.49. This adds up to 37.44.

    Now the discount is applied, and the client has to pay 22.46, which is 37.44 * (1 - 40%). We expected him to pay 36.95 * (1 - 40%) + 0.49 = 22.66.

    And the VAT (21%) is 6.50, which is 37.44 - (37.44 / 1.21). We expected it to be 3.93.

    How should I configure the AwoCoupon Pro to get the right results?

    VAT is configured as: Type of Arithmetic Operation = "Vat tax per product". Math operation = "+%". Value = 21.

    In AwoCoupon, all settings on the General tab of Configuration are set to No.

    Best regards,
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     5 years ago


    In the coupon created, is the discount type set to 'specific'?

    I assume you want the discount to be calculated before tax, so in awocoupon > configuration, makes sure calculate discount before tax is set to 'yes'.