Currently no, there isn't. But that is a good idea, will add it to a list of items to look at. But if could update the code to get this to work. Assuming you are using virtumart,
in www/administrator/components/com_aworewards/helpers/estore/estorerewardshandler.php, around line 934 is this
private function credit($_type,$sponsor,$recipient,$rule,$order=null) {
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$credit_user = $_type=='everyone' ? $recipient : ${$_type};
$referral_id = !empty($sponsor->rid) ? $sponsor->rid : 'NULL';
//if(empty($credit_user->id)) return;
if(empty($credit_user->email)) return; // cannot use id because of guest checkouts
Right after that add this:
if(! $credit_user->is_guest) {
$special_shopper_group_id = 3;
$sql = 'SELECT virtuemart_shoppergroup_id FROM #__virtuemart_vmuser_shoppergroups WHERE virtuemart_user_id='.(int)$credit_user->id;
$shopper_group_ids = $db->loadResultArray();
if(empty($shopper_group_ids)) {
$db->setQuery('SELECT virtuemart_shoppergroup_id FROM #__virtuemart_shoppergroups WHERE published=1 AND `default`=1');
$shopper_group_ids = array($db->loadResult());
if(in_array($special_shopper_group_id, $shopper_group_ids)) return; // do not credit special shopper group
You will have to set $special_shopper_group_id to the actual id of th eshopper group you want to exclude.
And this would exclude user of shopper group id 3 from receiving any reward from any rules you have setup.