Simple afiliate use case - integration and removing limitations

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     5 years ago

    The business
    I have created a pretty informative site about a product called orgonite with lots of articles describing the issue from different perspectives to make it interesting for people to read and research. Site has an virtuemart shop installed with all kind of orgonites available

    Since quite a time I am trying out several systems to integrate and have 8from users point of view) the easiest and most seamingless experience possible. In other workds it should be as natural as possible, although offering me as administrator a range of possibilities to promote the business according to my needs.

    So let me firs say that I am wonderfully impressed by the flexible concept of creating rules in awo rewards making it for me wonderful to create specific promotions. however, and now comes the very most important point:
    For the user its not as natural and simple to make invitations and promote the site as it could be from ground. Let me explain:
    1.Our site - like most - already hast social share buttons on every article by using some plugin, in our case JFBConnect which seems to in my view have developped the best integrated dystem for this with lots of functionality to go with it. Integration with such a partner would mean that user can share any content of website,which is the best and most interesting solution from every perspective, easy for user, improved SEO and if you can add and track this shares, then it would become most powerful afiliatesystem. easy and stipidly simple. Everythig else you already have and is your corecompetence.

    How close or how far are we right now from having this vision realized?
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     5 years ago

    Ok, I have very good news for you! I talked to Alex, Sourcecoast developer which has a full fledged social media conectivity solution called JFBConnect (even encluding opengraph) and discussed this idea of  parrtnership to team up and mutually integrate with other tool so to offer the described funcionality. Heres his answer:

    Sure, feel free to have them email me at or use the Contact Us submission on our site. We agree, it should be pretty easy to alter the links, it's a matter of how to generate the link custom to each user that we'd like some feedback on.[/i]

    Looks like if your serious about it - thats the best time to go on. And of course I am available for pointing to my business view and test where nedded, Im customer of both....

    Please give me a ping if you are willing to proceeed and update me about results.If you dont mind, we could go on this conversation offline .

    Kind regards,

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     5 years ago

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