No registration reward coupon after update

  • Default avatar
     6 years ago

    Hello Seyi,

    I have updated the AwoRewards to from 2.3.6. (I've also updated AwoCoupon to

    Everything looks fine except the AwoRewards do not reward the registration coupon anymore.

    I didn't change the registration reward rule.

    I've sent you a PM with temp admin access.

    The environment: 
    Joomla 3.9.3 
    VM 3.4.2
    PHP 7.1.26

  • Your avatar
     6 years ago


    Tried to access with the credentials, but I get the error

       You do not have access to the Administrator section of this site.

  • Default avatar
     6 years ago

    Sorry, I missed the permission part.

    You can access with the credentials now. :)

  • Your avatar
     6 years ago

    Thanks for the access.

    After having a look, in your user settings, new registrations are required to verify their account.  So the registration rule will not work when the customer first registers, only after the account has been activated.  For this, cron has to be on.  I ran cron manually and registration rule worked.  I see in admin > aworewards > configuration > cron, you have poor man's cron turned off, which is fine.  Do you have the link in your cron tab on your server then?
  • Default avatar
     6 years ago

    Hello Seyi,

    I'm not sure what you mean.  What do you need me to do from my end?
    Do you mean I should to do something like this?

    Thank you.

  • Your avatar
     6 years ago

    Yes, correct.  Either that or turn on poor man's cron in aworewards configuration which will automatically run cron periodically when there is a click on the front end of the website.
  • Default avatar
     6 years ago  last edited 6 years ago

    Hello Seyi,

    I have switched the "poor man's cron" to "on", and test again(register a new member and activate), I still cannot let that registration rule worked.

    After waiting for nearly 5 hours, I go to the AwoRewards configration and refresh the page.  The reward work right away.
    Is there any trigger in there?

  • Your avatar
     6 years ago

    It is triggered when there is a click on the front end, as long as it has not been triggered within the timeframe set in aworewards > configuration > cron.

    If there is not much traffic on the front end, its is not as reliable.  It is better to add the link to cron tab.
  • Default avatar
     6 years ago  last edited 6 years ago

    Hello Seyi,

    I don't really understand how the cron work on this.  I don't see a cron tab which can add a link in configuration, and I don't know what link should be added as you said, neither.
    Does "A click on the front end" referring a specific click? Or any click (like click a menu item) also trigger the process?

    Is it any way to let AwoReward registration rule work like it use to be? --> After a customer activate his account (by click the activation link given by email), he get the reward right away.

    Could you give me a step by step intruction?
    Thank you very much.

  • Your avatar
     6 years ago

    This part has not changed.  If you require activation of account, then the registration rule works on cron.  The issue was you had cron turned off.  And it is any click on the front end, as long as the page reloads.

    To add to crontab, you would have to look at the url in aworewards > configuration > cron.  Lets call it http://CRON_URL

    Then in cron tab, this url needs to execute.   For most servers you can use the command:

    wget -O - -q -t 1 http://CRON_URL

    And you can use one of the preset settings, every 15 minutes...etc