Google URL shortener is not function (same result in AwoDev demo site)

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     6 years ago

    Hello Seyi,

    I have the same issue with this post, and I've checked your demo site front end & back end, have the same issue as well (, I logged in with "manger" account).

    The shorten registration url does not work and always appear long url even after click regenerate link button.

    Do you know how to fix it?

    p.s. All API / configuration settings mentioned in your discussion was checked.

  • Your avatar
     6 years ago

    Looking at the google response, this is the error:

    "error": {
        "errors": [
                "domain": "usageLimits",
                "reason": "keyExpired",
                "message": "Bad Request"
        "code": 400,
        "message": "Bad Request"

    Looking at the api key entered for google, it is not the one that was originally entered.  So I updated it to the correct api key, and it works.
  • Default avatar
     6 years ago

    Hi Seyi,

    Thank you for your help and point out the google error message.  
    (I also get Google api error response, but I don't know how to check the error msg.)

    I've remove my application restrictions (HTTP referrers (websites)) and it works perfectly.

    Thank you again for your kindly help!