Embedding referral code

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     7 years ago

    Where can I find the internal referral code which is used to link an incoming visitor to his sponsor. I know user needs to make invite but is there a way I can find the code somewhere in backend so I can ask my programmer to append this link in other places?

    Thansk in advance

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     7 years ago

    The link?

    It is generated in the file www/administrator/components/com_aworewards/helpers/helper.php file
  • Default avatar
     7 years ago  last edited 7 years ago

    Well, let me ask more specific.
    I have existing registered joomla user e.g. testuser with JoomlaUserID=22. 
    How can I see/create/generate his AWOReferrerID or how would his ReferrarLink look like if I want to point it to some page. E.g. 

    I am looking for how to generate syntax and code to use, e.g. something like 

    Thanks in advance
    Hello Seyi,
    You may disregard, my programmer told me he found it howevr I guess it may be useful to answre anywqay in order to make this available for other users of AWO which may like to use this...

    I suggest as feature suggestion to create a 'personal promotional link' for each registered user in the PROMOTIONS tagb and by this AWORewards culd be extended to reward things like page acess or whatever.

    Als still suggest to allwo me as admin in backend to create other forms of promotional material which will include the users link and which he can copy paste to promote our site.
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     7 years ago

    How did your programmer found out to implement or edit the refferal-code to other pages?
  • Your avatar
     7 years ago

    You can find the link in aworewards->users

    There is a regenerate link button if it is blank for a user.

  • Default avatar
     7 years ago

    I wanted to know if I can place the referral code of the user somwhere else in the frontend for him (for example with a tag like {user_code}, not just in the invitation form. For example to make an intro with his code in <h1> or something.
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     7 years ago

    Ok, I see.  You would have to create a global plugin that alters content before display.  This is not something that comes with AwoRewards and would need custom work.  Can send me a private message if interested in that.
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     7 years ago

    Thanks for the offer. I just did it with jQuery:   var $cloner= $('.personalmsg a').clone();