virtuemart calculates tax before discount is applied

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     9 years ago

    We have vm 2.6.10 and the awocupons.

    seems simple, i want VAT to be calculated on the price after using an awo coupon. but the price vm calculates vat on is the price before the discount is applied. resulting in to high vat ammounts. how do i fix this?

    Have you got "Calculate the discount before tax" turned on in Awo configuration?

    it should calculate tax after discount... and not discount before tax.

    turned off it does this

    Subtotal 299,00 DKK
    Forsendelsesomkostninger 39,00 DKK
    Moms udgør 59,80 DKK
    Rabat (0gYzJC)- 89,70 DKK
    Total 248,30 DKK

    turned on it does this:

    Subtotal 299,00 DKK
    Forsendelsesomkostninger 39,00 DKK
    Moms udgør 23,92 DKK
    Rabat (0gYzJC) -89,70 DKK
    Total 248,30 DKK


    it should do this

    Subtotal 299,00 DKK
    Forsendelsesomkostninger 39,00 DKK
    Moms udgør 41,86 DKK
    Rabat (0gYzJC) -89,70 DKK
    Total 248,30 DKK

    41.86 is the correct tax amount (25%) for the 299 mines the rabat (discount)


    but i cannot get this to work...
  • Your avatar
     9 years ago


    I am sorry but AwoCoupon only calculates tax in 2 ways:
    - before the tax is applied
    - after the tax is applied

    What you are doing seems to be some sort of a hybrid where the discount is applied on the amount with tax and then the tax is redistributed. I have really never seen anything that works this way. Is this how it is in Denmark? Can you send me an official link with how this works?
  • Default avatar
     9 years ago

    its pretty basic i think.

    cart total. coupon applied. cart total lowers. and the lower amount has the vat included that we must get in the cart.

    that is the idea.

    and.... if i disable awodev and use a 10% disount rule from virtuemart. tax gets calculated on the amout after discount. and that is just how it should be done....
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     9 years ago


    Cannot reproduce that. In my tests Virtuemart exibits discount before tax behavior. To get that within AwoCoupon Pro, make sure you have 'Calculate discount before tax' set to 'yes' in AwoCoupon->Configuration.

    If you can send a private message with temp admin access to a site that exibits the tax behavior you mention, I will be happy to look at it.
  • Your avatar
     9 years ago

    Thanks for the access. I took a look, and there seems to be a problem with one page checkout. If it is disabled, then AwoCoupon gives the exact same discount as virtuemart coupons. But with it enabled, it seems to discount the tax twice. So for exampel:

    Product no tax: 1599
    Tax 25%: 399.75
    Product Price no tax after Discount 10%: 1439.1
    Tax: 359.77

    Tax savings due to discount: 399.75-359.77 = 39.98

    So correct tax is: 399.75-39.98 = 359.77
    With OPC enabled, tax is calculated: 399.75-39.98-39.98 = 319.79

    Please contact the developer of the OPC to see why it is behaving this way.