Ok, shipping coupons work a little differently. When you add a shipping
coupon to the cart, even if the valid shipping method is not in the
cart, it is accepted and no discount is given to shipping. Due to various things, including onepage extensions and automatic shipping selections it has to work this way. But in the case where the value of the shipping coupon is 0, it is not necessary to keep it in the cart. So here is some code you can add that should fix this:
in the file www/administrator/components/com_awocoupon/awocoupon/library/class-awocoupon-library-discount.php, around the line 5064 is this:
return $this->return_false( 'errShippingInclList' );
Right before that add this:
$val = round( $coupon_row->coupon_value, $this->round );
if( empty( $val )&& empty( $coupon_row->coupon_value_def ) ) {
return 'errShippingInclList';
And around the line 5080 is this
return $this->return_false( 'errShippingExclList' );
Right before that add this:
$val = round( $coupon_row->coupon_value, $this->round );
if( empty( $val )&& empty( $coupon_row->coupon_value_def ) ) {
return 'errShippingExclList';
Should work fine after that.