Register membership type(s) with Awoaffiliates, Aworewards and Awotracker using points/future rewards xxx currency

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     11 months ago

    I post this here too have similar question to a registration post. So what I want to do.

    I looking for a solution where I have certain user membership type(s) that register to a certain Joomla/EasySocial (PayPlans) membership plan to be an certain affiliate type.

    That new affliate membership type can then marketing (during a certain time period) to get new more affiliates joining as members and these new affliates can be tracked to a affliates maximum points/rewards for sign up for memberships type(s).

    So no payouts of money instead using points/rewards to a max value of xxx value points/currency during a period of time setting(s).

    Would this also be possible to do and/or do with Awoaffiliate,Awotracker and AwoReward?
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     11 months ago


    AwoAffiliate is a coupon based affiliate system.  So for each affiliate you create a coupon code that they can give it out.  When any user uses that coupon code, the user gets a discount and the affiliate is tracked and also receives a commission.

    With AwoRewards the affiliate will have a personal link.  When a user access your site with the affiliate link, they are tracked and the affiliate can earn points based on rule you create, which you can setup for specific joomla user groups.  Some examples are:
    - user registers to the site
    - user orders
    - user reviews a product

    So if I understand correctly, AwoRewards is more flexible and probably what you would need.

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     11 months ago

    Ok let me check and think and see what can be done.
