Here is the part of the default.php code that I had to remove the style="display:none;" from
located in \admin\views\coupon\tmpl
<tr id="tr_function_type2" style="display:none;">
<td class="key" nowrap><label><?php echo JText::_( 'FUNCTION TYPE' ); ?> 2</label></td>
<td><?php echo $this->lists['function_type2']; ?></td>
<tr id="tr_coupon_code" style="display:none;">
<td class="key" nowrap><label><?php echo JText::_( 'COUPON CODE' ); ?></label></td>
<td><input class="inputbox" type="text" name="coupon_code" size="30" maxlength="255" value="<?php echo $this->row->coupon_code; ?>" />
<button type="button" onclick="generate_code()"><?php echo JText::_( 'COM_AWOCOUPON_CP_GENERATE_CODE' ); ?></button>
<tr id="tr_published" style="display:none;">
<td class="key" nowrap><label><?php echo JText::_( 'PUBLISHED' ); ?></label></td>
<td><?php echo $this->lists['published']; ?></td>
<tr id="tr_parent_type" style="display:none;">
<td class="key" nowrap><label><?php
echo JHTML::tooltip(JText::_('ALL THAT APPLY WARNING'), $this->def_lists['parent_type']['all'], 'tooltip.png', '', '', false).
' '.
JText::_( 'PROCESS TYPE' ); ?></label></td>
<td><?php echo $this->lists['parent_type']; ?></td>
After removing the display none code, then I was able to add a coupon in the backend Now when I go to edit the coupon I get the following
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ..../administrator/components/com_awocoupon/helpers/awolibrary.php on line 149
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ../administrator/components/com_awocoupon/helpers/awolibrary.php on line 149
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in .../administrator/components/com_awocoupon/views/coupon/tmpl/default.php on line 308
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ...../administrator/components/com_awocoupon/views/coupon/tmpl/default.php on line 373
I am getting up on the front end screen checkout on the virtuemart
t.php awocoupon
which now I have to chase down to fix for the client