Reminder when coupon was already used

  • Default avatar
     5 years ago


    • joomla 3.8.13
    • VM 3.4.2
    • AwoCoupon
    • Awo Rewards

    Coupon code was valid till: 2018-10-30 00:59:59

    My customer used this coupon code on 2018-09-24

    Reminder sends emails 14 days before the end of the coupon's validity.

    On Date: mon., 15 oct 2018, 08:56 my customer got reminder email for inactive (already used) coupon.


    I have checked :

    • all email's dates
    • if coupon was used
    • if the coupon was inactive


    On 14.09.2018 I updated Awo Coupon and Awo Rewards to the latest version. Maybe it happened because of it?

    best regards


  • Your avatar
     5 years ago

    The reminder will send email reminders to active coupons.  A coupon is considered not to be active if it is unpublished or the coupon has expired.

    So the reminder the customer received, was it published?  Im guessing it was not.  When a coupon is used in the front end, AwoCoupon will automatically unpublish the coupon if the coupon has the number of uses total set and it has been used that many times.  Did you set this value?
  • Default avatar
     5 years ago

    Hello Seyi

    It was the first what I checked. This coupon was/is unpublished as it should've been after my customer used it.

  • Your avatar
     5 years ago

    So the coupon is unpublished but a reminder about it was still sent?  I have just checked the reminder code again just to verify and it only checks coupons that are published.  Are you sure what was sent could not have come from somewhere else?