My product prices are stored in Virtuemart in various currencies and the shopping cart uses 1 currency (my prices are updated based on the daily exchange rate).
It appears that the value I enter for a coupon uses my shopping cart currency.
Is there a way to hack/edit the value field in the coupon so that it uses the currency of the product?
i.e. A have a product selling for USD100, and I want to offer USD20 off where my site displays prices in Australian dollars.
My product prices are stored in Virtuemart in various currencies and the shopping cart uses 1 currency (my prices are updated based on the daily exchange rate).
It appears that the value I enter for a coupon uses my shopping cart currency.
Is there a way to hack/edit the value field in the coupon so that it uses the currency of the product?
i.e. A have a product selling for USD100, and I want to offer USD20 off where my site displays prices in Australian dollars.